Sunday 10 May 2015
- A herd of 20 elephants at Nsuna rd
- 1 Male lion at Pondoro Main rd
- A male leopard, Watsakile, at Pondoro Main rd
- 2 Young male lions at Nkhorho rd
Monday 11 May 2015
- A herd of 100 buffaloes at Kudu rd
- 1 Male lion at Nkombe north
- A herd of 30 elephants at Pondoro main rd
- A herd of 15 elephants at Mañana rd
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 10 elephants at Impala dam
Tuesday 12 May 2015
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Mamba rd
- A herd of 10 elephants at York/Impalabos west cutline
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Nsuna rd
- A herd of 15 elephants at Xibejuane dam
- 1 Male lion at Riverine west
Wednesday 13 May 2015
- A male lion at Xigamba dam
- A pride of 13 lions at Pondoro Main rd
- A herd of 100 buffaloes at East/west cutline
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Nonwane/Impalabos west cutline
- A herd of 15 elephants at Xibejuane dam
Thursday 14 May 2015
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Xigamba dam
- A pride of 13 lions at Pondoro Main rd
- 2 White rhino bulls at Kudu rd
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Ngala dam
Friday 15 May 2015
- A herd of 15 elephants at Tranken weg
- 3 Subadult lions at Top rd
- 5 Hyenas at Venture Camp rd
Saturday 16 May 2015
- A herd of 250 buffaloes at Olifants rd
- A herd of 16 elephants at Rooibos rd
- 6 Elephants at Mohlabetsi/Hearne cutline
- 10 elephants at Huppel weg
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Nealethi rd