Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit Tour
It has become obvious over the years that guests visiting Pondoro do not only want to experience a safari, but that there is a need to understand what goes on behind the scenes of protecting a wildlife reserve. Guests can now get the chance to meet the people that help to protect Africa’s precious wildlife.
No one is more famous than Africa’s all woman Anti-Poaching team.
Pondoro is very excited to announce a Black Mamba Anti- Poaching tour done every Wednesday and Saturday. Guests will be able to meet the Black Mambas, find out why they are so effective and discover the rationale behind this ground breaking initiative. This include a visit to the Nonwane research facility, a presentation by the Mambas and a lot more. This is a great opportunity to do your bit to save Africa’s wildlife and more specifically its rhinos.
All funds will go directly to the Black Mamba Anti-poaching unit.
Who are the Black Mambas?
The Black Mamba APU was founded by Transfrontier Africa and was created to protect the Olifants West section of Balule Nature Reserve which form part of the Greater Kruger National Park. Starting off with a team of 6 the Black Mamba APU has grown to cover the entire Balule area. The Black Mamba APU is the first of its kind in the world in the sense that most of their teams are women. They operate in an open system that is directly connected to the Kruger National Park. They are therefore custodians of the wild animals that roam freely throughout Balule Nature Reserve. The Mambas maintain and protect the western boundary fence of the Greater Kruger National Park, a significant barrier between human-wildlife conflict and poachers entering the protected areas network.
Anti-Poaching is a major need in the area as the reserve is constantly plagued by rhino and bush-meat poachers. Apart from antelopes, other endangered species such as wild dogs and cheetah are also often the victims to snaring. The Black Mamba APU search and destroy poachers’ camps, wire-snares and bush-meat kitchens every day. Aerial support, specialist dogs, early detection and rapid response are all that stands between the wildlife and poachers.
Black Mamba Successes
In 2015 the Black Mambas were awarded the United Nations’ prestigious Champions of the Earth Award. Serving as the first line of defense on the ground, the Black Mambas have successfully reduced the number of poaching incursions by 62%, decreased bushmeat poaching by 89% and snaring by 99% within their area of operation since their deployment in 2013.
Whilst our Black Mamba Rangers salaries are subsidised by SANParks through the Environmental Monitor Program, the Black Mamba APU carry all additional costs and rely heavily on donations.
By booking a tour you can help support these initiatives and enable the Black Mambas to continue their objectives.
- R1100 pp payable at lodge or in advance
- You will leave the lodge at 12h00 and return in time for lunch at approximately 15h00.
- The Nonwane Research facility is inside the Nature Reserve and you will travel by open game viewer
- Meeting some of the Black Mambas
- A presentation by the Black Mambas during which a display of poaching artefacts will be shown
- A question and answer section
Every Wednesday and Saturday
Read more at https://transfrontierafrica.org/the-black-mambas