Sunday 18 August 2013
- 3 Lionesses feeding on a buffalo close to Maroela dam
- A herd of 150 buffaloes at Hamerkop dam
- A herd of 150 buffaloes drinking at Impala dam
- 1 Elephant bull close to Mamba rd
- 2 Black rhino cows charging the vehicle ( Ntombazana and Duchess )
- 1 Black rhino ( Zulu )
- A breeding herd of 30 elephants swimming in Deadend dam
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding close to East/west cutline
- 2 Male lions resting close to Van Wyk
Monday 19 August 2013
- 1 White rhino bull
- A herd of 200 buffaloes grazing next to Siyabona main rd
- 1 Lioness stalking some waterbuck at Monte rd
- 2 Elephant bulls feeding next to Monte rd
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants next to Tjololwana rd
- 2 Male lions roaring next to Camp George
- A herd of 100 buffaloes grazing at Ingwe rd
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants feeding next to Mohlabetsi/Hearne cutline
Tuesday 20 August 2013
- 2 Male lions having a territorial dispute on our southern boundary
- 1 Male leopard feeding on an impala kill ( Chavaluthu )
- 1 Elephant bull feeding close to 1/2 cutline
- 1 Black rhino bull
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Pondoro Main camp
- 2 Male lions marking territory at Tshukudu cutline
Wednesday 21 August 2013
- 1 Male leopard feeding on his impala kill ( Chavaluthu ) next to Top rd
- 1 White rhino bull marking his territory
- 2 Elephant bulls feeding close to 8/9 cutline
- 1 White rhino bull drinking at a waterhole
Thursday 22 August 2013
- A herd of 50 buffaloes rsting close to Grune baum rd
- 1 White rhino bull grazing
- A breeding herd of 50 elephants drinking at Deadend dam
- 2 Male lions resting close to Nonwane Bush camp
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding next to 2/3 cutline
- 2 Male lions walking along Pump rd
- 1 Male leopard resting at Venture camp dam ( Chavaluthu )
- A herd of 100 buffaloes drinking at Venture camp dam
- 7 Elephant bulls feeding at Pondoro main rd
Friday 23 August 2013
- A male leopard lying on top of a termite mound at Dog drive ( Watsakile )
- 1 Black rhino bull feeding on Candelabra ( Zulu )
- 1 Elephant bull feeding close to Jenny’s loop
- A herd of 60 buffaloes grazing at Nkombe north
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants next tt Drei tranken weg
- 1 Female leopard and 2 cubs ( Manana ) next to Pondoro Main rd
Saturday 24 August 2013
- 6 Lions feeding on a giraffe kill at Huppel weg ( Mohlabetsi pride )
- 1 Male cheetah walking north at Nyoka dam
- A breeding herd of 50 elephants feeding close to East/west cutline
- 1 Black rhino cow ( Ntombazana )
- 4 Elephants bulls playing close to Barnard airstrip ( Ezulwini )
- A herd of 100 buffaloes drinking at Xibejuane dam
- 1 White rhino bull