Sunday 18 August 2013

  • 3 Lionesses feeding on a buffalo close to Maroela dam
  • A herd of 150 buffaloes at Hamerkop dam
  • A herd of 150 buffaloes drinking at Impala dam
  • 1 Elephant bull close to Mamba rd
  • 2 Black rhino cows charging the vehicle ( Ntombazana and Duchess )
  • 1 Black rhino ( Zulu )
  • A breeding herd of 30 elephants swimming in Deadend dam
  • A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding close to East/west cutline
  • 2 Male lions resting close to Van Wyk
Black rhino curiously approaching the safari cruiser

Black rhino curiously approaching the safari cruiser

Black rhino silhouette at Pondoro Safari Lodge

Black rhino silhouette at Pondoro Safari Lodge

Elephants swimming at Deadend dam

Elephants swimming at Deadend dam

Monday 19 August 2013

  • 1 White rhino bull
  • A herd of 200 buffaloes grazing next to Siyabona main rd
  • 1 Lioness stalking some waterbuck at Monte rd
  • 2 Elephant bulls feeding next to Monte rd
  • A breeding herd of 15 elephants next to Tjololwana rd
  • 2 Male lions roaring next to Camp George
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes grazing at Ingwe rd
  • A breeding herd of 15 elephants feeding next to Mohlabetsi/Hearne cutline

Tuesday 20 August 2013

  • 2 Male lions having a territorial dispute on our southern boundary
  • 1 Male leopard feeding on an impala kill ( Chavaluthu )
  • 1 Elephant bull feeding close to 1/2 cutline
  • 1 Black rhino bull
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Pondoro Main camp
  • 2 Male lions marking territory at Tshukudu cutline
Leopard coughing up a hair ball during Pondoro safari

Leopard coughing up a hair ball during Pondoro safari

Evening safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Evening safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Wednesday 21 August 2013

  • 1 Male leopard feeding on his impala kill ( Chavaluthu ) next to Top rd
  • 1 White rhino bull marking his territory
  • 2 Elephant bulls feeding close to 8/9 cutline
  • 1 White rhino bull drinking at a waterhole
Leopard with kill during morning safari at Pondoro

Leopard with kill during morning safari at Pondoro

Thursday 22 August 2013

  • A herd of 50 buffaloes rsting close to Grune baum rd
  • 1 White rhino bull grazing
  • A breeding herd of 50 elephants drinking at Deadend dam
  • 2 Male lions resting close to Nonwane Bush camp
  • A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding next to 2/3 cutline
  • 2 Male lions walking along Pump rd
  • 1 Male leopard resting at Venture camp dam ( Chavaluthu )
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes drinking at Venture camp dam
  • 7 Elephant bulls feeding at Pondoro main rd
Chavaluthu enjoying the view at Pondoro

Chavaluthu enjoying the view at Pondoro

Friday 23 August 2013

  • A male leopard lying on top of a termite mound at Dog drive ( Watsakile )
  • 1 Black rhino bull feeding on Candelabra ( Zulu )
  • 1 Elephant bull feeding close to Jenny’s loop
  • A herd of 60 buffaloes grazing at Nkombe north
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants next tt Drei tranken weg
  • 1 Female leopard and 2 cubs ( Manana ) next to Pondoro Main rd
Watsakile relaxing on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Watsakile relaxing on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Saturday 24 August 2013

  • 6 Lions feeding on a giraffe kill at Huppel weg ( Mohlabetsi pride )
  • 1 Male cheetah walking north at Nyoka dam
  • A breeding herd of 50 elephants feeding close to East/west cutline
  • 1 Black rhino cow ( Ntombazana )
  • 4 Elephants bulls playing close to Barnard airstrip ( Ezulwini )
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes drinking at Xibejuane dam
  • 1 White rhino bull