Sunday 20 January 2014
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 1 Buffalo bull at 5 Elephant dam
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants at Huppel weg
- A black rhino bull and cow
Monday 21 January 2014
- A breeding herd of 6 elephants close to 8/9 cutline
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at 2/3 cutline
- A female leopard at Waterbuck weg
- 2 Buffalo bulls at Ingala dam
- 3 Black rhinos ( a bull and 2 cows )
Tuesday 22 January 2014
- 3 Black rhinos ( a bull and 2 cows )
- A breeding herd of elephants at Impalaweg 4
- A breeding herd of elephants at Impala weg 1
- 2 Lionesses at Ringana dam
- 2 Buffalo bulls at Ngala dam
- A herd of elephants at Pondoro main rd
Wednesday 23 January 2014
- A breeding herd of elephants at 1/2 cutline
- A breeding herd of elephants at 8/9 cutline
- 4 Lionesses at Tony’s dam
- 1 Lioness and 7 cubs ( 1st sighting of 6 week old cubs )
- 1 Black rhino bull
Thursday 24 January 2014
- A breeding herd of elephants at Big Boy rd
- 1 Elephant bull at Jiga-Jiga rd
- A white rhino bull
- 1 Buffalo bull at Pondoro main rd
- A male leopard ( Watsakile ) in a tree with a warthog kill
Friday 25 January 2014
- 2 Lionesses chasing the leopard away from his warthog kill and finishing it off
- 3 Black rhinos ( A bull and 2 cows )
- A breeding herd of elephants at Pondoro main rd
Saturday 26 January 2014
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants at Impalabos east
- 2 Buffalo bulls at Ngala dam
- A lioness and 7 tiny cubs at Nonwane