Sunday 21 July 2013

  • 3 Lionesses and 2 Male lions feeding on a giraffe kill at Misi kaya rd
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes grazing next to the East/west cutline
  • A pack of 10 African wild dogs chasing impalas and waterbuck on Barnard area
African wild dogs chasing waterbuck through Xigamba dam

African wild dogs chasing waterbuck through Xigamba dam

Monday 22 July 2013

  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Pondoro main rd
  • 2 Lionesses and 2 males feeding on the giraffe kill close to Misi kaya rd
  • A herd of about 100 buffaloes grazing next to Pondoro main rd
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to 1,7 rd
  • A pack of African wild dogs hunting zebra close to Jenny’s loop
African wild dogs at Ngala dam at Pondoro Safari Lodge

African wild dogs at Ngala dam at Pondoro Safari Lodge

Tuesday 23 July 2013

  • 4 Lionesses and 8 cubs feeding on a zebra kill – while sitting there the missing cub arrived with 1 lioness
  • 2 Elephant bulls feeding next to Koppies rd
  • 2 White rhino bulls resting
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes grazing west of Xinzele rd
  • 1 White rhino bull feeding close to Kudu dam
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes drinking at Nyari dam
Close up of an elephant at Pondoro

Close up of an elephant at Pondoro

Drinking elephant at Gunter's reservoir

Drinking elephant at Gunter’s reservoir

Elephant calf at Pondoro Game Lodge

Elephant calf at Pondoro Game Lodge

Wednesday 24 July 2013

  • A breeding herd of 15 elephants feeding at Big Boy rd
  • 2 Lionesses and 8 cubs resting at Xibejuane dam
  • 1 White rhino grazing
  • A herd of 20 elephants feeding next to Pondoro main rd
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Nyari dam
  • A breeding herd of 15 elephants feeding next to Nongo Noko rd
  • 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) mating with a skittish unknown female at Ralph’s rd

Thursday 25 July 2013

  • 1 Elephant bull ( Shoshangaan ) in musth close to Pondoro Main rd
  • 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) walking past Van Wyk
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes resting close to Kambaku rd
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Kambaku rd
  • 1 Male leopard ( Watsakile ) hunting warthog at Coert’s new rd
  • 2 Black rhinos, a bull and cow, having a dust bath
  • a Herd of 200 buffaloes at Kambaku rd
Black rhinos on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Black rhinos on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Friday 26 July 2013

  • 2 Male lions having a territorial skirmish with the Tshukudu male
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Craig’s rd
  • 4 Lionesses resting close to Southern boundary
  • A breeding herd of 15 elephants feeding at Kambaku dam
  • 1 White rhino having a mud bath
Lions in territorial fight at Pondoro Safari Lodge

Lions in territorial fight at Pondoro Safari Lodge

Territorial fight on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Territorial fight on safari at Pondoro Game Lodge

Saturday 27 July 2013

  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Scops owl rd
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes resting next to 2/3 cutline
  • 1 White rhino bull walking along the Southern boundary
  • 4 Lionesses and 2 male lions resting next to the Southern boundary
  • 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) walking west at Imberbe loop
  • A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding at Hearne/Impalabos west