Sunday 28 April 2013
- 2 Male leopards ( Tintake chasing Juma ) having a territorial dispute close to Kudu dam
- A breeding herd of 30 elephants feeding close to Pondoro main rd
- 1 Male leopard resting in tree on main rd east – unknown male
- 2 White rhino bulls playing
Monday 29 April 2013
- 1 Male cheetah resting at Sausage Tree
- A herd of 200 buffaloes resting close to Kambaku rd
- 1 Elephant bull feeding on the 8/9 cutline
- 1 Elephant bull feeding close to River Lodge main rd
- 1 Black rhino cow next to Hongonyi rd
- A herd of 200 buffaloes feeding close to Top rd
Wednesday 1 May 2013
- 1 Male cheetah walking along Barnard airstrip
- 2 Elephant bulls feeding close to Mangwa rd
- 3 Lionesses resting next to Tshukudu cutline
- 2 White rhinos grazing
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding next to Nyari dam
Thursday 2 May 2013
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants feeding close to Pondoro main rd
- A herd of about 200 buffaloes grazing along Reguit pad
- 3 Male lions resting and roaring next to Manana rd
- 1 Elephant bull drinking at Coert’s bush camp
- A herd of about 100 buffaloes on the 8/9 cutline
- 1 White rhino bull feeding
Friday 3 May 2013
- A herd of 100 buffaloes resting and sleeping at Pondoro main rd
- A herd of 10 elephants feeding close to Coert’s bush camp
- 2 White rhino bulls grazing
- 2 Male lions resting next to Mangwa rd
- A herd of about 100 buffaloes feeding next to Marambo rd
Saturday 4 May 2013
- A herd of 100 buffaloes grazing next to 8/9 cutline