Sunday 31 March 2013
- 2 Lionesses and 6 cubs on a zebra kill at Nonwane
- 1 Male cheetah at Nthaba rd
- 2 White rhino bulls at York/Barnard cutline
- 1 Honeybadger carrying her baby on Olifants rd
- 2 White rhinos grazing at Kwarri rd
- A herd of 100 buffaloes feeding close to Rul’s rd
Monday 1 April 2013
- A black rhino bull and cow feeding next to Van der Merwe
- A herd of 30 elephants feeding close to Xibejuane dam
Tuesday 2 April 2013
- A herd of about 150 buffaloes resting close to Huppel rd
- A group of 14 wild dogs killing a waterbuck calf on Impalabos east/Mohlabetsi cutline
- A breeding herd of 30 elephants feeding next to Caterpillar rd
- 4 Lionesses resting next to Impalaweg 2
- 1 White rhino bull grazing
- 1 Female leopard drinking at Nyari dam
- A herd of 10 elephants drinking at Nyari dam
- A group of 14 African wild dogs playing at Nyari dam
- A herd of 100 buffaloes close to Grune baum
Wednesday 3 April 2013
- 3 Lionesses and 2 cubs resting at Monte rd
- 1 Elephant bull feeding close to 8/9 cutline
- 1 Elephant bull at Xigamba dam
- 1 Elephant bull crossing Mamba rd
- A breeding herd of elephants feeding next to Pondoro main rd
Thursday 4 April 2013
- A herd of 15 elephants feeding next to Pondoro main rd
- A herd of 200 buffaloes grazing close to Pride Rock
Friday 5 April 2013
- A herd of 200 buffaloes feeding close to Pump rd
- 3 White rhino bulls grazing along Leoparden weg
- 15 Elephants drinking at Zebra weg
Saturday 6 April 2013
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding next to Kahle stelle weg
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants feeding close to Main rd
- 1 Male leopard ( Juma ) on Mohlabetsi/Impalabos east cutline
- 1 Male leopard ( Tintaka ) crossing Mohlabetsi/Impalabos east cutline
- 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) walking next to Pondoro main rd
- 3 White rhinos feeding at Huppel weg
- A herd of 200 buffaloes resting on the 2/3 cutline