Sunday 5 July 2015
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 250 buffaloes at Xigalana dam
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Xiingwana rd
- A herd of 250 buffaloes at Shortcut
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 6 Lions west of Peter’s rock
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Makoti rd
- A female leopard at Pride Rock
Monday 6 July 2015
- A breeding herd of 16 elephants at Kambaku rd
- A herd of 300 buffaloes at main rd west
- A herd of 150 buffaloes at Coert’s bush camp
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Xinzele rd
- A herd of 300 buffaloes at Van Wyk
- 6 Lions at Ncololwana rd
Tuesday 7 July 2015
- 3 Buffalo bulls at Breitte weg
- A herd of 150 buffaloes at Tranken weg
- 1 Black rhino bull
- An elephant bull at Olifants river
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 13 elephants at Xigamba dam
Wednesday 8 July 2015
- A herd of 13 elephants at Chapel north
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Olifants rd
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Olifants rd
Thursday 9 July 2015
- A breeding herd of 30 elephants at Pondoro Main rd
- 2 Lionesses at Main rd east
- A herd of 20 elephants at Mfundla rd
Friday 10 July 2015
- A herd of 20 elephants at Shangana rd
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Shangana rd
- 6 Lions at Caterpillar rd chasing a big male lion
- 2 white rhino bulls
- 1 Male lion at Pump rd
- 6 Lions at East/west cutline killing an impala
- 1 Female leopard at Pondoro Main rd
- 1 Elephant bull at Coert’s new rd
Saturday 11 July 2015
- A male leopard at a impala kill at Einsame weg
- 6 Lions stealing the leopard kill
- 1 White rhino bull
- 200 Buffaloes at 8/9 cutline
- A herd of 30 elephants at Craig’s rd
- A herd of 25 elephants at 4/5 cutline