Ive been back at work for a week now and the one thing to have changed since my 2 weeks off is the amount of elephants that are currently in the reserve. Speaking with Robbie he says this is the most elephants that he has seen in the reserve since he has been here which just goes to show how amazing this last week has been regarding elephant sightings. We are seeing on average between 30 and 40 elephants per drive, and sometimes as many as 80, which makes our jobs all that much easier. Even if the drives are quite, seeing 2 or 3 different herds of elephants per drive always seems to keep us entertained and the guests smiling
Every day around the lodge the guests have been very fortunate to see various different herds of elephants, yesterday during tea 2 males paid us a visit, one of them being the biggest tusker we have in the reserve, Shoshangaan, he is one of the most relaxed elephants bulls I have ever come across! He will allow people to get within a few meters of him without showing any sign of acknowledgment towards us. Yesterday the 2 of them put on quite a show for everyone
We are not quite sure why there is this sudden increase of elephant activity in the reserve but long may it continue because no matter how many times you see elephants one can never get bored or tired of watching them, they are always doing something to capture our attention, feeding on a maroela tree, taking a dust bath or just drinking and wallowing at a watering hole they always make for great photographic opportunities.