Wildlife safari sighting highlights for the week:
Sunday 20 March 2016
- A herd of 200 buffaloes resting at Ngala dam.
- 4 Male lions at Melembe rd.
- 5 Buffalo bulls at Xindzele rd.
- A herd of 20 elephants at God’s window.
- A herd of 20 elephants at 8/9 cutline.
- 1 White rhino bull.
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at 8/9 cutline.
- A herd of 20 elephants at Xikankanka rd.
Monday 21 March 2016
- 2 Elephant bulls at Main rd east.
- A herd fo 200 buffaloes at Main rd west.
- A leopardess (Miss Van Wyk) at Xiwombana dam.
- 2 White rhino bulls.
- A herd of 100 buffaloes at Misi rd.
- 2 Elephant bulls at Koppie rd.
Tuesday 22 March 2016
- 1 Male leopard (Watsakile) at Xindzele rd.
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Pondoro Main rd.
- 1 Buffalo bull at Ngala dam.
- 1 Elephant bull at Hamerkop dam.
- A herd of 15 elephants east of Pondoro Main rd.
- A herd of 100 buffaloes at Nsuna rd.
- 1 White rhino bull.
- 1 Female leopard (Ukhozi female) at impala kill on Nkorho rd.
- 2 Lions at Olifants rd.
Wednesday 23 March 2016
- 1 Leopardess (Miss Van Wyk) at Link rd.
- A pride of 10 lions at Monarch rd.
- 1 Black rhino cow and calf.
- 1 White rhino bull.
- 1 Elephant bull at Cement pipe rd.
- A herd of 30 elephants at Ngala dam.
- 1 White rhino bull.
Thursday 24 March 2016
- 4 Buffalo bulls at Olifants rd.
- 1 Elephant bull at Xindzele rd.
- 4 Elephant bulls at Baksteen weg.
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Olifants rd.
- 4 Lions at Xirombirombi rd.
- 2 White rhino bulls.
- A herd of 300 buffaloes at 4/5 cutline.
- A herd of 15 elephants at Waterbuck rd.
- A herd of 15 elephants at Mangawana rd.
- 1 Elephant bull at Gamma rd.
Friday 25 March 2016
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Mfundla rd.
- A herd of 10 elephants at Hearne/Impalabos west cutline.
- 4 Male lions at Marambu rd feeding on impala kill.
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) at Leeuspouit rd.
- 2 White rhino bulls.
- 6 Hyenas close to Xikulu dam feeding on a baby giraffe.
- 6 Elephants at Huppel weg.
- A herd of 20 elephants at Monika’s.
Saturday 26 March 2016
- 2 White rhino bulls.
- A herd of 10 elephants at Huppel weg.
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Rulani’s rd.
- 1 White rhino bull.
- A herd of 10 elephants at Rhulani’s rd.
- A clan of 10 hyenas lying in the water at Xikulu dam.
- 2 Elephant bulls at Tambotie dam.
- 1 Buffalo bull at Xiingwana rd.
- 1 Elephant bull south of Ngala dam.
- 2 White rhino bulls.
- A herd of 20 elephants at Olifants rd/Impalabos east.
- A herd of buffaloes at Mbonga rd.
Wildlife safari sightings for the week. All photos and videos of safari sightings were taken with guests during the week in question.