The biggest highlight during August was undoubtedly the arrival of 8 african wild dogs towards the end of June. They split into 2 groups on arrival and were seen fairly frequently until their departure on the 7th of August. The best sighting was saved for last as we saw 4 wild dogs feeding on a freshly killed impala on the 7th. They were barely finished when the other 4 of the group arrived and started to chase after the original group. We eventually lost sight, but we were lucky enough to witness some amazing interaction between one of Africa’s most endangered predators.

Wild dogs-3

The Olifants River pride were again seen on the12th of August and one female was seen mating with one of the descendants of the Olifants west pride. This was our 1st glimpse of this lion in more than 2 years and what a magnificent speciman he became. He and his brothers have formed a coalition of 4 and are roaming the territory to our east.

We saw the Olifants west pride hunting buffalo on the Olifants road on the 15th of August which ended in a stalemate. The air was charged with adrenaline as lions and buffalo took turns in chasing one another through the bush. The dust lay thick in the air as the sound of hooves pounding and eerie growling reverberated through the early morning cold. It was an amazing morning which all of us will never forget.


On the 24th of August we saw how the Olifants west pride killed a zebra about 30 meters from the road. I really felt sorry for the poor zebra as her distress calls seemed to go on for ages. The lions must eat however and cruel as it seem nature is unfortunately not a Walt Disney movie.