I took a bit of a sabbatical from safari drives and what a reception did I receive upon my return! To say that mother nature decided to give me the cold shoulder is an understatement if ever there was one. The perfect summer weather that we enjoyed for the last 3 weeks changed as my safari cruiser left the lodge with an icy wind greeting me on top of the first hill and it only went downhill from there as the saying goes…for 3 cold and windy days. This monotony was luckily broken on the 3rd morning when we got drenched in ice cold rain.

Jokes aside; we actually did alright taking the conditions into account as we managed to get 4 of the Big 5, only missing out on buffaloes. The highlight for me was seeing 7 lions of the Mohlabetsi pride yesterday morning. This pride consists of 17 lions and is the biggest pride in our concession area. They frequent the southern section of the reserve and seem to prefer lying up in very thick bush or hilly terrain during the day. We followed them for a while until they eventually disappeared up a rocky hill to rest for the day.

Post by Robbie Prehn

Lioness on safari at Pondoro



Young male lion at Pondoro