Sunday 24 September 23′
- Kudyela pride-1 Lion, 6 lioness, and 6 cubs @ Naledi khaya
- 6 Lioness, 3 sub adults feeding on a buffalo, on cement pipe
- White rhino bull
- 50 elephants, on top road
- Small breeding heard of elephants drinking @ Ngala dam
Monday 25 September 23′
- 1 Black rhino bull.
- 1 White rhino bull
- Kudyela pride-6 Lionesses, 3 sub adults still on buffalo kill
- 10 elephants, junction of koppies\Manana
- 20 elephants qama road
Tuesday 26 September 23′
- Kudyela pride-4 Lionesses, 5 sub adults @ Dead-end dam
- +- 100 buffalo, Riverine West
- 1 White rhino
- 10 elephants, on Zebra Weg
- 20 elephants @ Venture camp dam
- Leopardess on the junction with Sable and Olifants
Wednesday 27 September 23′
- Kudyela pride-1 Lion 6 Lionesses & 6 cubs @ Ximangwane feeding on a Giraffe
- 3 White Rhinos
- Leopardess north of Deans dam
- 2 Elephant bulls Impalabos West\Nonwane cutline
- 4 Lionesses & 6 sub adults on Xinekele north of sidic site
- 2 White rhino
Thursday 28 September 23′
- 4 Wild Dogs successfully hunting an Impala south of Xigamba
- 3 Elephants
- Kudyela pride-1 Lion, 6 lionesses & 6 cubs on Ximangwane feeding on giraffe kill
- +-50 buffalo @ Monarch
- Male leopard on Makoti north of Nkambaku
- 10 Elephants north of Gama\ Pondoro main
- Black rhino bull
- Black rhino with calf
Friday 29 September 23′
- Leopardess on Munti road
- Leopardess on East West cutline
- Leopardess in Mashopi drainage
- +- 30 buffalo Chapel north, north of kudu rd
- 10 elephants @ Groenebam north of Waterbok
- 3 Elephant bulls Pondoro main Nkoro junction
- 2 White rhino bulls
- Kudyela pride-1 Lion 6 Lioness & 6 cubs on Ximangwane rd
Saturday 30 September 23′
- 4 wild dogs @ roses pan
- 14 elephants on Pondoro main, Kokwane junction
- +- 50 buffalo Elias pan
- 9 White rhino
- Black rhino and calf
- Leopardess on impala kill to the west of Venture camp