Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 02-08 Sep ’18
Sunday 02 Sep 2018
- 1 Bull elephant at river lodge main
- 3 White rhino
- Kudyela pride with their cubs and the Machaton males at ingwe walk
- 4 Elephants playing at elephant dam
Monday 03 Sep 2018
- Nkanyi with a steenbok kill at impalabos east
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Impalabos lionesses at jiga-jiga
- 6 Elephants drinking at elephant dam
- 2 Female leopards at van wyk
- Chavaluthu drinking at venture camp dam
- 1 Male and female lion at cheeky boy
Tuesday 04 Sep 2018
- 3 Buffalo bulls at old 2 track
- Chavaluthu resting at drie trunken weg
- 3 White rhino bulls
- 1 Female leopard with 2 cubs with an impala kill at zebra weg
- 3 Bull elephants north of olifant road
Wednesday 05 Sep 2018
- 5 Bull elephants at munti road
- 50 Buffaloes grazing at makothi
- 6 Spotted hyenas at pondoro main
- 3 Wild dogs at kloof dam
- 20 Elephants feeding east of kloof dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Female leopard with her 2 cubs at the impala kill
Thursday 06 Sep 2018
- 1 Female leopard at zebra weg
- 1 Female cheetah at venture camp dam
- 1 Lioness west of reguit pad with an impala kill
- 5 Elephants feeding west of pondoro main
- 1 Black rhino
- 10 Elephants at singwe main
Friday 07 Sep 2018
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Bull elephants north of stevens road
- 1 Male leopard south of top road
- 2 Lionesses at nonwane cutline
- 1 Female leopard at zebra weg
- 50 Buffaloes grazing at mamba road
- 1 Lioness north of olifant road
Saturday 08 Sep 2018
- 2 Black rhino
- 6 Kudyela lionesses south of derde weg
- 50 Buffaloes grazing east of 8/9 cutline
- 12 Elephants feeding at Robbie se pad
- 1 Female leopard resting at manzi bovu
- 1 White rhino bull
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 08 Sep 2018.