Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 04-10 June ’17
Sunday 04 June 2017
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions at kambaku road resting
- 25 Elephants at xiyingwana road feeding
- 4 Buffalo bulls at venture camp dam
- 20 Elephants at weg fur alles busy feeding
- 1 White rhino cow with her calf
- 30 Elephants at pondoro main feeding
- 1 Hyena at pondoro main heading south
Monday 05 June 2017
- 8 Lions of the Kudyela Pride at impala dam heading south
- 10 Elephants at barnard/york cutline feeding
- 200 Buffaloes at dukes pan drinking
- 1 White rhino bull
- 30 Elephants feeding around big bend
- 60 Elephants around dead end dam
- 40 Elephants at bush lodge main
- 1 Hyena at bush lodge main moving north
Tuesday 06 June 2017
- 200 Buffaloes at nyoka dam resting
- 3 White rhinos
- 5 Mohlabetsi male lions at impala weg 5 resting
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 1 Elephant bull at bush camp drinking
- 1 Buffalo bull at bush lodge water hole
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) at rhino rock
- 1 Black rhino
Wednesday 07 June 2017
- 20 Elephants at hearnes/yotk cutline
- 2 White rhino
- 200 Buffaloes grazing at steven’s road
- 1 Black rhino cow with her calf
- 40 Elephants at torra dam
- 1 Male lion with 2 lionesses
Thursday 08 June 2017
- 8 Lions of the Kudyela Pride by kudu road
- 50 Elephants at linear road
- 200 Buffaloes at york/nonwane cutline grazing
- 8 White rhino
Friday 09 June 2017
- Kudyela pride west of hearnes kaya on a kudu kill
- 200 Buffaloes at mountain view busy grazing
- A lioness with 4 cubs resting at gods window
- 1 White rhino bull and a cow with a calf
- 1 Male lion at dead end dam
- 40 Elephants feeding around top road
Saturday 10 June 2017
- 20 Elephants feeding around rhino rock
- 50 Elephants drinking at dead end dam
- Kudyela Pride at peter’s rock resting
- 1 Leopardess east of gunters kaya
- 20 Elephants at gavin’s road
- 3 Lionesses resting at manzi bovu
- 1 White rhino cow with her calf
- 40 Elephants at butabesi dam drinking
- 1 Leopardess at shortcut
- 1 Male lion with a lioness and 4 cubs at Denroc main
- 2oo Buffaloes at regte pad grazing
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 10 June 2017.