Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 07-13 May ’17
Sunday 07 May 2017
- 6 Mohlabetsi male lions resting at mondzo road
- 20 Elephants at 4/5 cutline busy feeding
- 1 Female leopard at xinjana road resting in a tree
- 1 Hyena at burbin road
- 3 Elephant bulls at pondoro main lodge heading west
Monday 08 May 2017
- 4 Buffalo bulls at pumpen weg heading east
- 5 White rhino
- 9 Wild dogs at malembe road feasting on an impala
- 1 Female lion + 4 cubs at river lodge main resting
- 1 Elephant bull at van wyk heading west
- 4 Elephants at 8/9 cutline busy feeding
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Buffalo bull at nyarhi dam drinking
Tuesday 09 May 2017
- 1 Male lion at 8/9 cutline heading east
- 1 Male leopard at mhisi loop resting
- 1 Elephant bull at weg fur alles busy feeding
- 1 Buffalo bull at venture camp dam heading west
- 40+ Elephants busy feeding at pumpen weg
- 8 Lions (Kudyela Pride) at hammerkop dam heading west
- 4 Lions resting at waterkant road and later made 2 impala kills
- 1 Female leopard at eskom giraffe moving south west
- 1 White rhino
- 10 Elephants at five elephant dam moving west
Wednesday 10 May 2017
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions at butabesi loop feasting on an impala
- 8 Lions with a buffalo kill at dukes pan link
- 7 Elephants feeding at waterbok weg
- 15 Elephants at riverin west feeding
- 4 Elephant bulls at riverin east
Thursday 11 May 2017
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions at hlolwa loop moving north east
- 1 Male elephant at main road feeding
- 15 Elephants at grune boom busy feeding
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) and a leopardess (Faka Nchovela) on an impala kill at eskom giraffe
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 1 Elephant bull at van wyk
Friday 12 May 2017
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Buffalo bull at dead end dam moving west
- 8 Lions at marula road heading east
- 1 Buffalo bull at ntaba road
- 20 Elephants at rome 4 heading north
- 40 Elephants at dead end dam static
- 2 White rhino
- 5 Elephants at mophu meander feeding
Saturday 13 May 2017
- 2o Elephants at breite weg static feeding
- 5 White rhino
- 2 Black rhino
- 8 Lions at york and barnard cutline heading north
- 1 Elephant bull at main road busy feeding
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Male leopard at eskom giraffe on an impala kill
- 2 Hyena resting at eskom giraffe
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 13 May 2017.