Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 09-15 Dec ’18
Sunday 09 Dec 2018
- 6 Lionesses with 1 male and 4 cubs at xidulu road with a kudu kill
- 1 Bull elephant feeding at poly shots
- 23 Elephants feeding at waterbok
- 2 White rhino
- 3 Spotted hyenas at mamba road
- 16 Elephants heading east at mondzo road
- 1 Female leopard at hamilton north
Monday 10 Dec 2018
- 1 Female leopard at sweine weg
- 3 Lionesses with 4 cubs at coert new road with a kudu kill, 6 hyenas around them.
- 7 Elephants feeding at jika jika
- 40 Elephants feeding around kudu dam
Tuesday 11 Dec 2018
- 1 Spotted hyena at pondoro main
- 1 Hippo at ngala dam
- 13 Elephants feeding at breite weg
- 1 Female leopard resting in a marula tree at kambaku
- 1 White rhino bull
- 9 Elephants feeding at brand and coke with 1 buffalo bull
- 1 Male lion feeding on a warthog at ingwe walk
Wednesday 12 Dec 2018
- 3 Black rhino
- 4 Bull elephants feeding at mhisi road
- 4 Spotted hyenas resting at mhisi road
- 1 Male leopard resting at gregg’s road
- 1 Female leopard at top road heading south
- 2 Black rhino
- 4 Bull elephants feeding at pondoro main
- 1 Lioness hunting impala at elephant walk
- 18 Elephants at caterpillar road
Thursday 13 Dec 2018
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Spotted hyenas at wambo road
- 1 Male lion resting at leadwood pan
- 5 Lionesses with 9 cubs and 1 male at ingwe walk
- 1 Male lion feeding on an old impala carcass south of high point
- 5 Bull elephants feeding at middle road
Friday 14 Dec 2018
- 3 Spotted hyenas and 2 cubs at wambo road
- 10 Elephants feeding at nkanka road
- 18 Elephants at top road heading north
- 6 Lionesses with 9 cubs and 1 male at giraffe road
Saturday 15 Dec 2018
- 28 Elephants around dead end dam
- 6 Lionesses with 9 cubs and 1 male at malembe loop
- 2 Black rhino
- 18 Elephants feeding at pondoro main
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 15 Dec 2018.