Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 09-15 July ’17
Sunday 09 July 2017
- 2 White rhino
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 15 Buffaloes feeding east of xindzele
- 1 Black rhino bull
Monday 10 July 2017
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 2 Buffalo bulls east of xirhimberombe
- 2 Black rhino
- 1 Bull elephant at mophu meander
- 20 Elephants feeding at hamilton north
- 2 Black rhino
- 2 Elephant bulls south of butabesi dam
Tuesday 11 July 2017
- 15 Buffaloes resting at xigalana dam
- 20 Elephants feeding at caterpillar road
- 4 Buffalo bulls west of huppel weg
- 1 Male leopard east of mangwa clearing
- 2 White rhino
- 3 Elephants bulls at andries se pad
- 3 Hyenas heading north of east/west cutline
- 2 Buffalo bulls at ngala dam
Wednesday 12 July 2017
- 1 Male lion with 2 lionesses at hamilton north
- 100 Buffaloes at hearnes/york cutline grazing
- 2 Bull elephants feeding at york
- 3 Elephant bulls feeding at top road
Thursday 13 July 2017
- 4 Elephant bulls feeding at dukes pan
- 1 Male leopard at nguluve road sleeping
- Kudyela Pride heading east from hearnes
- 20 elephants feeding at hearnes/york cutline
- 2 Male lions resting at big bend
- 6 Buffalo bulls at pondoro main
- 2 White rhino
- 30 Elephants feeding at east/west cutline
Friday 14 July 2017
- 1 Leopardess at monika’s heading east
- Kudyela Pride west of hammerkop dam
- 10 Elephants west of impalabos west feeding
- 15 Elephants feeding at stevens road
- 4 White rhino
- 2 Black rhino
- 100 Buffaloes at nkombe north grazing
- 10 Elephants drinking at Toni’s dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 15 Elephants feeding at khwari road
- 200 Buffaloes at xibejana dam
- 1 Leopardess at Toni’s camp hunting impala
Saturday 15 July 2017
- 200 Buffaloes at lodges loop grazing
- 2 Black rhino
- 1 Leopardess with 2 cubs at reguit pad on an impala kill
- 1 Bull elephant at giraffe weg feeding
- 150 Buffaloes at wildebeest weg
- 1 Hyena at siyabona heading west
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 15 July 2017.