Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 10-16 July ’22
Sunday 10 July 2022
- 15+ Elephants feeding at mhisi loop
- 5 White rhino
- 4 Kudyela lionesses resting west of hamerkop dam
- 35+ Elephants feeding at impala weg 5
- 1 Leopardess heading south from mbonga road
- 6 Wild dogs heading east from mbonga road
- 1 Spotted hyena feeding on an impala carcass at marambu road
Monday 11 July 2022
- 40+ Elephants drinking and feeding around venture camp dam
- 150+ Buffaloes grazing at hamerkop dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 20+ Elephants feeding at marula road
Tuesday 12 July 2022
- 2 Masungulo male lions resting at kwarri road
- 150+ Buffaloes resting at xigamba dam
- 1 Bull elephants heading south from main road west
- 20+ Elephants feeding at ngala dam
Wednesday 13 July 2022
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 30+ Elephants feeding and drinking at ringana dam
- 150+ Buffaloes grazing at 4/5 cutline
- 1 Leopardess with her 2 cubs and 1 male leopard all feeding on an impala carcass at 1/2 cutline
- 3 Spotted hyenas around the tree
- 1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) at breite weg heading west
- 2 Masungulo male lions resting on the hearne cutline
- 40+ Elephants feeding and drinking at venture camp dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Male leopard heading south from top road
Thursday 14 July 2022
- 50+ Elephants feeding and drinking at venture camp dam
- 6 Wild dogs and 7 spotted hyenas fighting over an impala carcass at mamba road
- 1 Male leopard heading west from polly shots
- 1 Spotted hyena heading north from kambaku
- 1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) heading south from three poles
- 1 Spitted hyena sleeping at wildebeest weg
Friday 15 July 2022
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Bull elephants drinking water at van-wyk
- 150+ Buffaloes drinking water at Toni’s dam
- 7 Wild dogs resting at mhisi loop
Saturday 16 July 2022
- 1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) heading south from derde weg with 1 cub
- 20+ Elephants feeding at three poles
- 15+ Elephants feeding at polly shots
- 20+ Elephants feeding south of Gunter’s reservoir
- 1 Wild dog resting at rome 3
This a summary of our incredible big 5 and other sightings for the week ending 16 July 2022.