Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 10-16 March ’19
Sunday 10 March 2019
- 1 Leopardess east of danrock
- 4 Elephants feeding at mondzo road
- 1 Bull elephant west of huppel weg
- 1 Male leopard north of impalabos cutline
- 1 Male lion with 6 cubs south of mountain view
- 3 White rhino
- 6 Elephants feeding at huppel weg

Monday 11 March 2019
- 1 Lioness south of dead end dam
- 1 Bull elephant north of ingwe walk
- 4 Lionesses with 14 cubs and 2 male lions south of nonwane kaya
- 3 Black rhino
- 1 Bull elephant at xiromberombe
Tuesday 12 March 2019
- 3 White rhino
- 6 White rhino
- 1 Male leopard at cement pipe
Wednesday 13 March 2019
- 5 Lionesses with 12 cubs and 1 male lion feeding on a kudu
- 1 Male leopard at east/west cutline
- 60 Elephants feeding at hamerkop road
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Spotted hyena at rome 4
- 2 Bull elephants at dukes pan

Thursday 14 March 2019
- 1 Black rhino
- 1 Leopardess at dead end dam heading north
- 60 Elephants drinking at dead end dam
- 2 Black rhino
- 5 Lionesses with 12 cubs at and 1 male lion at impalaweg 1
- 3 White rhino
- 3 Spotted hyenas at rome 4
Friday 15 March 2019
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Machaton male with 4 lionesses and 14 cubs feeding on a male kudu
- 2 Black rhino
- 1 Leopardess with 2 cubs at top road
Saturday 16 March 2019
- 10 Elephants feeding at river lodge main
- 5 Elephants at coert new road
- 4 Spotted hyenas west of 4/5 cutline
- 7 Lionesses with 14 cubs and 1 male lion at ngwenya dam
- 10 Elephants drinking water at ngala dam
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 16 March 2019.