Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 10 to 16 November ’19
Sunday 10 November 2019
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) sleeping near Boetebessie Dam
- 12 Wild Dogs sleeping near Steven Road
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Pondoro Main
- 5 Hyena sleeping around Tambotie Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela) with both of her cubs feeding on an Impala near Bush Lodge Main
- 1 Elephant Bull drinking from Gunter’s Reservoir
- 1 White Rhino Bull heading West from Hamilton North
Monday 11 November 2019
- 2 Elephants feeding around 2/3 Cutline
- 2 Elephants feeding near Robbie’s Road
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) sleeping near Maimbovu Dam
- 3 Sable feeding near Waterkant
- 4 White Rhino with 10+ Male Buffalo feeding around Dagga Boy Dam
- 1 Female Hyena with 2 young just outside their den on Hamilton North
Tuesday 12 November 2019
- 1 Young Lioness and 1 Male White Rhino static near Impalaweg 1
- 40+ Elephants feeding just South of Paradise
- 2 Lionesses with 1 cub heading North from Olifants
- 2 Male Lions sleeping near Cambridge 3/4 Cutline
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding near Shortcut Road
- 2 Male Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
- 1 Male White Rhino drinking from Bush Camp Waterhole
Wednesday 13 November 2019
- 16 Lions crossing North over Olifants
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) feeding on an Impala near Boetebessie Dam
- 25+ Elephants drinking from Ngala Dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Gama Road
- 10+ Buffalo near Uitsig
- 2 Hyena resting near Hamilton South
- 50+ Elephants feeding around Shiromberombe
- 3 Black Rhino feeding near Link Road
Thursday 14 November 2019
- 20 Lions sleeping South of Shingilana
- 6 Adults and 7 young Wild Dogs feeding on an Impala near Ungulube Road
- 10+ Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela) heading West along Mohlabetsi/Impalabos Cutline stalking an Impala
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) moving South from Venture Camp Dam
- 6 White Rhino feeding around Tambotie Dam
Friday 15 November 2019
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanye) with Impala and Steenbok kills near Luiperden Weg
- 50+ Elephnats feeding around Shindzele
- 5 Adult and 7 young Wild Dogs heading South from Van Wyk Tranke
- 5 Lionesses with 12 Cubs sleeping near 4/5 Cutline
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) heading West from Dead End Dam
- 2 Elephants heading West from Gunter’s Reservoir
Saturday 16 November 2019
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) sleeping West of Dead End Dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Robbie’s Road
- 20+ Elephants heading North from Ngala Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino heading South from Nonwane Bush Camp
- 1 Male Black Rhino (Zulu) feeding near Hongonyi Road
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping near Bush Lodge Main
- 1 Leopard Cub sleeping North of Xikulu Dam
- 5 Lionesses with 16 cubs heading West from Deliveries Road
- 2 Wild Dogs sleeping near Eskom Giraffe
This week was another incredible week of big five safaris in the magical Kruger National Park