Monday 11 December 2023
- 2 Male Lions North of Mud Dam
- 20 Elephant at Reguit Pad
- 1 Male White Rhino at Groenebam
- 30 Elephant at 4/5 cutline
- 6 Female Lions with 3 cubs at 4/5 cutline
- 2 White Rhino at Deadend Dam
- 8 Buffalo at Weir Dam
Tuesday 12 December 2023
- 1 Male White Rhino at Xibejana Dam
- 6 Female Lions with 3 cubs at Korhaan Road
- 40 Elephant at Pride Rock
- 7 Buffalo at 5 Elephant Dam
- 1 White Rhino at Dean`s Dam
- 1 Female Leopard South of Nonwane Bush Camp feeding on Impala Kill
- 20 Elephant at Olifants Road
Wednesday 13 December 2023
- 1 Male Leopard at Andries se Pad
- 5 Female Lions with 4 cubs at 4/5 cutline
- 1 Male White Rhino at Kambaku Road
- 1 Female Leopard at Gama Road
- 25 Elephant at Rome 4 Waterhole
- 2 White Rhino at Impalaweg 5
- 40 Elephant at Pondoro Main
Thursday 14 December 2023
- 2 Male Lions with 6 Females and 2 cubs at Mashopi Road
- 6 Wild Dogs North of Nonwane Camp
- 40 Elephant at Olifants Road
- 1 Male Leopard at Hongonyi Road
- 30 Elephant at 1/2 cutline
Friday 15 December 2023
- 15 Wild Dogs at Pump Road
- 1 White Rhino at Impalaweg 5
- 1 Female Leopard at Mangwa Road
- 15 Buffalo at Barnard Dam
- 40 Elephant at Rome 4 waterhole
Saturday 16 December 2023
- 2 Female Lions with 6 cubs at Elephant Walk
- 60 Elephant at Big Boy Clearing
- 6 Wild Dogs at Pondoro Main
Sunday 17 December 2023
- 4 Female Lions with 5 cubs at Reguit Pad
- 4 Wild Dogs with 7 pups at Olifants Road hunting
- 100 Buffalo at Kuduweg
- 9 Female Lions at Groenebam
- 1 Male White Rhino at Nyari Dam
- 4 White Rhino at Torha Dam
- 40 Elephant at Pride Rock