Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 14-20 August ’22

Sunday 14 August 2022

1 Masungulo male mating with a lioness at top road
20+ Elephants feeding at mamba road
100+ Buffaloes drinking at ngala dam
100+ Buffaloes grazing at 4/5 cutline
15+ Elephants drinking at venture camp dam
Monday 15 August 2022

1 Young Kudyela male lion at E/W cutline
1 White rhino bull
1 Spotted hyena heading north from xindzele
7 Buffalo bulls at coert new road heading west
8 Young Kudyelas feeding on a buffalo at xigamba dam
7 Wild dogs and 12 pups at the den site
1 Black rhino bull
2 Kudyela lionesses and a single Masungulo male resting at xipene road
Tuesday 16 August 2022

8 Kudyela lions feeding on the buffalo carcass
2 White rhino bulls
1 Leopardess (Black dot) with 2 cubs heading south from munti road and 1 spotted hyena following them
100+ Buffaloes drinking at Toni’s dam
20+ Elephants drinking at ngwenya dam
2 Spotted hyenas heading east from xigamba road
4 Kudyela lionesses with 2 cubs at bush lodge water hole
15+ Elephants drinking at venture camp dam
7 Wild dogs and 12 pups at the den

Wednesday 17 August 2022

7 Wild dogs with 12 pups at the den
3 Kudyela ionesses with 1 Masungulo male at resting at Andries’ link
4 Lionesses at koppie road heading north
20+ Elephants feeding at mfundla road
1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) and her 2 cubs feeding on an impala east of baksteen
100+ Buffaloes grazing at E/W cutline
Thursday 18 August 2022

1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) and her 2 cubs feeding on the impala
2 White rhino bulls
100+ Buffaloes grazing at sweine weg
7 Wild dogs hunting impala at mamba road
2 Masungulo males with 3 Kudyela lionesses at ringana dam
30+ Elephants feeding at gruneboom
100+ Buffaloes grazing at top road
3 White rhino
1 Black rhino bull
Friday 19 August 2022

2 Masungulo males resting at Riaan’s road
10+ Elephants heading north on pondoro main
7 Wild dogs and 12 pups at the den site
1 Male leopard at Graig’s road heading west
3 Black rhino
20+ Elephants feeding at jika-jika
3 Kudyela lionesses with 9 cubs at leeuspruit
100+ Buffaloes grazing at leeuspruit dam

Saturday 20 August 2022

7 Wild dogs with 12 pups at the den
1 Spotted hyena at ngala dam
20+ Elephants drinking at van-wyk
3 Kudyela lionesses and 7 cubs resting at impalabos cutline
1 Spotted hyena heading west on shangaan road
7 Lions resting at impala dam
1 Leopardess (Faka Nchovela) at mhisi road
3 Kudyela lionesses heading west from mondzo road
1 White rhino bull
20+ Elephants feeding at main road west
100+ Buffaloes grazing at main road west
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 20 August.