Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 16 to 22 February ’20
Sunday 16 February 2020
- 1 Female Leopard Cub (Daughter of Faka Nchovela) sleeping near Top Road
- 8 Lion Cubs (Kudyela Pride) sleeping near Venture Camp Dam
- 1 Male Lion (Machaton Male) sleeping North of Olifant’s Main
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Barnanrd Airstrip
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela) feeding on an Impala near Top Road
- 1 Male Lion (Machaton Male) with 5 Lionesses sleeping South of Khoza Loop
- 1 Male Elephant feeding near Boerbean
- 1 Buffalo heading East from Hearnes/Mohlabtesi Cutline
- 12 Wild Dogs heading West from Pondoro Main
- 2 Spotted Hyena heading North from Top Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading East from Pondoro Main
- 2 Young Male Lions (Strydom Males) sleeping near Huppel Weg
Monday 17 February 2020
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) heading East from Hamilton SOuth
- 2 Male Lions (Machaton Males) sleeping near Ungulube Road
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Shangaan Road
- 3 White Rhino feeding near Steven’s Road
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Steven’s Road
- 1 Male Leopard feeding on Waterbuck near Hearnes/Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 1 Female Leopard feeding on an Impala Sout of Rockfig Loop
- 3 White Rhino feeding near Riaan’s Road
- 2 Male Lions sleeping near Ringana Dam
- 1 Male Lion with 3 Lionesses and 10 cubs sleeping near Gavin’s Road
Tuesday 18 February 2020
- 2 Leopards mating near Pride Rock
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding East of Pump Road
- 40+ Elephants drinking from Xibejane Dam
- 9 Wild Dogs sleeping near Nyari Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) heading North from the Sodic Site on Huppel Weg
- 2 Buffalo feeding West of Duke’s Pan
- 30+ Elephants feeding near Braai Road
- 3 White Rhino feeding near Hearnes/Mohlabetsi Cutline
Wednesday 19 February 2020
- 6 Wild Dogs sleeping near Jack’s Road
- 2 Lionesses and 8 cubs sleeping near 3/4 Cutline
- 30+ Elephants feeding near Mhisi Road
- 2 Male Lions (Machaton Males) feeding on a buffalo near Link Road
- 1 Male Lion sleeping near the sodic soil on Bruite Weg
- 2 Buffalo drinking from Bushbuck Dam
- 10+ Elephants feeding near Baksteen
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Xhiromberombe
Thursday 20 February 2020
- 1 Young Female Leopard (Daughter of Faka Nchovela) sleeping near Bush Lodge Main
- 8 Lions sleeping near Singwe Boma
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Ingwe Walk
- 2 Male White Rhino feeding near Rockfig Loop
- 4 Lions sleeping near Pride Rock
Friday 21 February 2020
- 8 Lions feeding on a buffalo kill near Link Road
- 4 White Rhino feeding near York/Hearnes Cutline
- 2 Buffalo feeding near Impala Dam
- 2 ELephant Bulls feeding near Riverine West
- 18+ Elephants heading East from Ngala Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) sleeping in a tree near Cheetah Plains
- 14 Lions sleeping near Ingwe Walk
- 2 Black Rhino (Khuza) feeding near Singwe Boma
- 15+ Elephants drinking from Ngwenya Dam
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading North from Manana Road
- 6 Wild Dogs heading South from Olifant’s Main
Saturday 22 February 2020
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
- 6 Wild Dogs sleeping near Kambaku Dam
- 16+ Elephants feeding near Xindzele Road
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Impala Weg 5
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Pondoro Main
- 8 Lions feeding on Buffalo near Link Road
- 60+ Buffalo sleeping West of Hammerkop Dam
- 2 Elephant Bulls feeding near Kurt Bushcamp
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Ngala Dam
This is a sumamry of the sightings we had this week in the Big 5 Balule Nature Reserve