Big 5 safari sightings  for the week 16 – 22 October 2016.

Sunday 16 October 2016

  • 1 Male lion (Mohlabetsi male) and lioness feeding a buffalo kill east of Ngala dam.
  • 3 Young male lions feeding on a buffalo kill at Mangawana loop.
  • 2 White rhino bulls.
  • 1 Young male lion lying east of 8/9 cutline.
  • 6 Elephants drinking at Ngala dam.
  • 3 Hyenas lying in water at Xiwombana pan.

Safari sightings at Pondoro


Safari sightings at Pondoro Game Lodge


Safari sightings at Pondoro lodge


Safari sightings at Pondoro Safari lodge


Monday 17 October 2016

  • Mohlabetsi male lion and 2 lionesses feeding on a buffalo north of Mangawana loop.
  • 1 White rhino bull.
  • 1 Female leopard south of Bushlodge waterhole.
  • 3 White rhino bulls and 1 cow.
  • 7 Lions (Kudyela’s pride) on buffalo kill west of Danroc main rd.
  • 1 Hyena west of York/Hearne cutline.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

  • 1 Elephant bull at Xirombirombi camp on Olifants river.
  • 2 Elephant bulls west of Nsuna rd south of river.
  • A herd of 200 buffaloes at Van der Merwe corner.
  • 3 Elephant bulls at Kwarri rd.
  • 2 Lions and 2 lionesses at Xirombirombi rd.
  • A herd of 50 buffaloes at Monzo rd.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

  • A herd of 5 elephants at Hongonyi rd.
  • 6 Male lions and 2 lionesses feeding on 2 buffaloes killed at Xindzele rd.
  • 3 Male lions at Jiga-Jiga rd.
  • A herd of 7 elephants at Nongo dam.
  • 2 Lionesses outing 5 buffaloes at River lodge main.

Thursday 20 October 2016

  • 4 Male lions east of Mangwa clearing.
  • 1 Female cheetah west of Mohlabetsi camp.
  • 1 White rhino bull.
  • A herd of 50 buffaloes at Xindzele rd.
  • 1 Female leopard at Misi loop.
  • 2 Elephant bulls at Polly Shorts.
  • A herd of 50 buffaloes at Huppel weg.

Friday 21 October 2016

  • 2 Male lions (Mohlabetsi males) and 2 lionesses at Schornstein weg at buffalo kill.
  • 1 White rhino bull.
  • 1 Female leopard close to Mohlabetsi camp.
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes at Braai rd.
  • 2 White rhinos.
  • 1 White rhino bull.
  • A herd of 200 buffaloes at Cheeky Boy rd.

Saturday 22 October 2016

  • 2 Young male lions at Pondoro Main rd.
  • 8 Elephants at Rome 2.
  • 1 Elephant bull at Rome 2.
  • 2 White rhino bulls.
  • 3 Buffalo bulls at Xindzele rd.
  • 2 Young male lions (Mohlabetsi males) at Robbie’s dam.
  • 2 Young male lions at 2 buffalo kills south of Marula rd.
  • 1 Female leopard close to Mohlabetsi camp.
  • A herd of 20 elephants at Pondoro Main camp.
  • A herd of 100 buffaloes close to Bateleur camp.

This was the Big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 22 October 2016.