Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 17-23 Sept ’17
Sunday 17 Sept 2017
- 1 Leopardess at bush lodge main
- 2 Machaton males lying down at reguit pad
- 2 Kudyela lionesses with 2 Machaton males at the buffalo kill
- 40 Elephants feeding at baksteen
- 1 Leopardess on a impala kill at ringana dam
- 1 White rhino bull
Monday 18 Sept 2017
- 4 Machaton males at hearnes/mohlabetsi cutline heading west
- 40 Elephants feeding at main road west
- 100 Buffaloes drinking at mohlabetsi water hole
- 5 White rhino
- 50 Buffaloes at tshukudu cutline
- 20 Elephants at breite weg
- 4 Elephant bulls at bushbuck dam
- 2 Black rhino
Tuesday 19 Sept 2017
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 40 Elephants feeding at rome 2
- 2 Kudyela lionesses resting at 8/9 cutline
- 50 Elephants at east/west cutline
- 1 White rhino bull
- 20 Buffaloes feeding at nkorho road
- 1 Leopardess at grune boom an a duiker kill
- 1 Leopardess at leeuspruit
- 3 Lionesses resting at impala dam
Wednesday 20 Sept 2017
- 6 White rhino
- 9 Buffaloes at zebra weg
- 30 Elephants feeding at olifants road
- 1 Machaton male at gregg’s road resting
Thursday 21 Sept 2017
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Leopardess on an impala kill impalabos/mohlabetsi cutline
- 2 Lionesses at breite weg sleeping
- 40 Elephants feeding at torra road
- 30 Elephants feeding at breite weg
- 1 Male leopard moving west from xindzele
- 1 White rhino
Friday 22 Sept 2017
- 1 Leopardess on her impala kill
- 10 Elephants at sweine weg
- 1 Bull elephant at xikulu dam feeding
- 4 Lionesses sleeping at impala dam
- 1 Hyena at olifants road
Saturday 23 Sept 2017
- 7 Kudyela lionesses on riverine west heading north
- 2 White rhino
- 6 Elephants at mamba road
- 40 Elephants feeding at olifants road
- 10 Elephants around pride rock
- 20 Elephants drinking at ngala dam
- 15 Buffaloes grazing at impalabos east
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Black rhino
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 23 Sept 2017.