Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 19-25 March ’17
Sunday 19 March 2017
- 3 Female and 1 male lion at butabetsi dam sleeping
- 1 Male white rhino
- 2 Male elephants at gamma road heading east
- 15 Elephants at mangwa road busy feeding
- 1 Male buffalo at xiyingwana busy feeding
Monday 20 March 2017
- 2 Female lions at butabetsi dam
- 1 Male elephant at kambaku road heading west
- 20 Elephants at east/west cutline feeding
- 2 White rhino males
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion at nyari dam
- 4 Wild dogs at mohlabetsi/hearne cutline sleeping
- 20 Elephants at huppel weg busy feeding
Tuesday 21 March 2017
- 1 Bull elephant drinking at ngala dam
- 2 White rhino males
- 1 Female leopard at bush lodge main
- 1 Female leopard at monica’s road
- 1 Male buffalo at dead end dam
- 15 Elephants at 4/5 cutline
Wednesday 22 March 2017
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion at xinzele heading south
- 4 Male lions and 1 female at xinzele sleeping
- 1 Female black rhino with her calf
- 1 Male black rhino
- 18 Elephants at xinzele busy feeding
- 1 Male white rhino
- 1 Male buffalo at lumanyama road
- 2 White rhino males
- 15 Elephants at pondoro main moving north
Thursday 23 March 2017
- 5 Lions at Rome 4 on a buffalo kill
- 20 Elephants at 4/5 cutline
- 1 Bull elephant west of Rome 4
- 1 Male leopard at xikulu dam
Friday 24 March 2017
- 4 Wild dogs at butabetsi dam lying down
- 1 Male lion at 4/5 cutline feeding on a buffalo kill
- 1 Female lion at river lodge main
- 1 Bull elephant on pondoro main
- 20 Elephants at big boy busy feeding
- 2 Black rhino
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Bull elephant inside ngala dam drinking
- 2 Lions at 4/5 feeding on a buffalo kill
Saturday 25 March 2017
- 1 Female lion with 4 cubs at 4/5 cutline feeding on a buffalo kill
- 2 Lions at mfundla road lying down
- 1 Bull elephant at nongonoko feeding
- 15 Elephants at ngala dam drinking water
- 4 Lions at jikajika road lying down
- 1 Male white rhino
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 25 March 2017.