Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 19-25 May ‘19
Sunday 19 May 2019
- 7 Kudyela lionesses with 14 cubs and 2 Machaton males at mahlopi road
- 20 Elephants at camfire cutline
- 1 Leopardess south of boetabessie dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Bull elephants at rhulans road heading E
Monday 20 May 2019
- 1 Leopardess north of venture camp dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 3 Hyenas at the hyena den
- 1 Male leopard at top road heading E
- 4 White rhino
- 2 Bull elephants drinking at ngala dam
Tuesday 21 May 2019
- 1 Black rhino
- 1 Male lion south of elephant walk
- 2 Bull elephants west of ngala dam
- 70 Elephants at makhoti road
- 16 Spotted hyenas at the den site
- 1 Lioness at mahlopi road
- 3 Machaton males with 7 cubs and a single lioness at chain road
Wednesday 22 May 2019
- 40 Elephants feeding at xindzele
- 60 Buffaloes resting W of coerts bush camp
- 1 Bull elephant at van-wyk
- 60 Elephants feeding east of E/W cutline
- Faka Nchovela with her 2 cubs at top road feeding on an impala
- 10 Elephants drinking at van-wyk
- 6 Spotted hyenas at the den site
- 1 White rhino bull
Thursday 23 May 2019
- 3 Lionesses with 11 cubs at singwe boma
- 15 Elephants feeding at impalabos
- 1 Leopardess at manzi bovu heading north
Friday 24 May 2019
- 100 Buffaloes grazing at river lodge main
- 20 Elephants feeding at maroela road
- 1 Lioness with 6 cubs resting at singwe boma
- 2 Black rhino
- 1 Leopardess at van-wyk heading N
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Machaton male with 1 lioness at mathlopi
- 20 Elephants at impala weg 1
- 6 Hyenas at the den site
Saturday 25 May 2019
- 1 Male lion and 1 lioness at mahlopi road
- 1 Black rhino
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Leopardess at manzi bovu heading E
- 2 Machaton males at venture camp dam
- 1 Bull elephants at boetabessie dam
- 2 Spotted hyenas at the den site
- 3 White rhinos at venture camp dam
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 25 May 2019.