Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 2 to 8 February ’20
Sunday 2 February 2020
- 1 Lioness (Kudyela Pride) with 2 cubs static near Singwe Boma
Tuesday 4 February 2020
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) heading North from Groeneboom
- 18 Lions (Kudyela Pride) sleeping on Nonwane Cutline
- 2 Elephant Bulls drinking from Tony’s Dam
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Waterkant
- 2 Black Rhino feeding near Thora Road
- 20+ Elephants swimming in Venture Camp Dam
Wednesday 5 February 2020
- 2 Black Rhino feeding near Olifants Main
- 2 Elephant Bulls heading East from Kudu Weg
- 60+ Buffalo heading West from Hearnes/Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 5 White Rhino feeding near Rhingana Dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Top Road
Thursday 6 February 2020
- 40+ Elephants feeding near Zebra Weg
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping near Zebra Weg
- 60+ Buffalo resting near Bushbuck Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) feeding on Impala West of Dead End Dam
Friday 7 February 2020
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) resting near her kill West of Dead End Dam
- 1 Skittish leopard heading North from Mfutsu
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) head West from Mangwa Road
- 1 Male Lion and 1 White Rhino near Elephant Dam
- 2 Black Rhino and 60+ Buffalo near Bushbuck Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela) feeding on Impala near Top Road
Saturday 8 February 2020
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping in a tree near 1/2 Cutline
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela’s daughter) feeding on Impala near Top Road
- 1 Lioness feeding on impala near Campfire Cutline
- 1 Liones sleeping near Nkombi North
- 1 White Rhino feeding near Torra Road
- 1 Black Rhino and 8 Wild Dogs near Middle Road
- 3 Male Lions (Machaton Males) with 1 Lioness (Kudyela) sleeping on Bernard Airstrip
- 1 White Rhino Bull feeding near Pipeline Road
This is a short summary of the fantastic week we had whilst out on safari from our luxury lodge.