Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 2-8 Oct ’22
Sunday 2 October 2022
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 20+ Elephants feeding at xihingwana road
- 4 Bull elephants feeding at mamba road
- 2 Black rhino
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 4 Buffalo bulls drinking at bush lodge water hole
- 2 Spotted hyenas heading north from marambu road
Monday 3 October 2022
- 1 Black rhino
- 30+ Elephants feeding at 1/2 cutline
- 4 Buffalo bulls grazing at ngulube north
- 60+ Elephants feeding at top road
- 3 White rhino
- 30+ Elephants feeding at pondoro main
- 2 Black rhino
- 5 Lionesses with 1 Masungulo male lion resting at rome 4
Tuesday 4 October 2022
- 1 Lioness and 1 Masungulo male mating at main road west
- 100+ Buffaloes grazing at E/W cutline
- 20+ Elephants feeding at rooibos
- 1 White rhino bull
- 4 Kudyela lionesses and 8 cubs resting at hamerkop dam
- 20+ Elephants drinking at van-wyk
Wednesday 5 October 2022
- 2 MAsungulo male lions resting with 4 Kudyela lionesses and 8 cubs at boetabessie dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding at koppie road
- 1 White rhino bull
- 100+ Buffaloes grazing at waterkant
- 30+ Elephants feeding at waterkant
- 20+ Elephants feeding north of van-wyk
Thursday 6 October 2022
- 1 Male leopard heading west from nchololwane
- 20+ Elephants drinking at venture camp
- 5 White rhino
- 100+ Buffaloes drinking at Toni’s dam
- 1 Spotted hyena at ngala dam
- 6 Lionesses and 1 Masungulo male lion resting at xibejane dam
- 1 Young male lion resting at xingalana dam
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 100+ Buffaloes grazing at rome 4
Friday 7 October 2022
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 2 BUll elephants south of xigalana dam
- 100+ Buffaloes grazing at rome 4
- 20+ Elephants feeding at ngala ya bonga
- 1 Young male lion resting at mfundla road
- 4 Kudyela lionesses and 8 cubs resting at xikulu dam
- 20+ Elephants drinking at kudu dam
Saturday 8 October 2022
- 1 Male lion north of Pondoro lodge
- 1 White rhino bull
- 20+ Elephants feeding at impalaweg 2
- 1 Lioness resting at ngala dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding around pride rock
- 10+ Elephants feeding at nonwane
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 8 October.