Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 21 – 27 May ’23
Sunday 21 May 2023
- 30 Elephants at Mfundla road feeding
- 80 Buffalo west of Rome IV waterhole resting
- 5 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 5 sub-adult cubs north of Mapompolo resting
- 35 Elephants at Kudu dam drinking
- 80 Buffalo at east/west cutline feeding
- 1 Lioness (Kudyela pride) and 5 small cubs east of Mashopi resting
- 20 Elephants at Barnard airstrip heading north
Monday 22 May 2023
- 15 Elephants at main road west feeding
- 2 Spotted Hyaena at Pondoro main/Xipalatsi junction resting
- 3 White Rhino grazing
- 30 Elephants at Impalaweg 1 feeding
- 2 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 2 small cubs east of Mashopi resting
- 4 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 5 small cubs drinking at Naledi waterhole
- 1 Black Rhino
- 35 Elephants at Giraffe road feeding
Tuesday 23 May 2023
- 1 male Lion and 2 Lionesses (Singwe pride) at Koppie/Robbies road junction resting
- 30 Elephants at Pondoro main/Transport junction feeding
- 1 Spotted Hyaena at Robbies/Koppie road junction heading east
- 2 Elephant bulls at Gunters waterhole drinking
- 40 Elephants at Huppel weg feeding
- 40 Elephants at Imagine/Barnard cutline feeding
- 1 female Leopard at Olifants/Nonwane entrance heading north
Wednesday 24 May 2023
- 100 Buffalo at Elias’s pan
- 4 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 5 sub-adult cubs west of Marula dam resting
- 1 male Lion and 2 Lionesses (Singwe pride) at Koppie/Manana road junction on a young Giraffe kill
- 1 White Rhino bull grazing
- 1 female Leopard at Xibejuana dam heading east
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) and 1 Lioness (Kudyela) west of Singwe boma resting
- 40 Elephants at Barnard airstrip feeding
- 1 male Lion and 2 Lionesses (Singwe pride) at Koppie road on a Giraffe kill
- 20 Elephants at Impalaweg 1 heading east
Thursday 25 May 2023
- 1 female Leopard at Xibejuana dam heading north
- 2 White Rhino at Nonwane airstrip heading north
- 30 Elephants at Nonwane/Barnard cutline feeding
- 5 Elephants east of Xibejuana dam feeding
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) and 1 Lioness (Kudyela) at Singwe boma resting
- 1 Lioness at Barnard airstrip heading east
- 2 White Rhino at Main road west grazing
- 100 Buffalo at Pump road feeding
Friday 26 May 2023
- 3 sub-adult male Lions at River lodge main resting
- 1 Spotted Hyaena at Pondoro main/Xipalatsi junction resting
- 1 female Leopard (Fakanchovela) at Mondza road heading west
- 8 Wild Dogs at Nonwane/Barnard cutline heading east
- 1 male Lion and 2 Lionesses (Singwe pride) at Koppie road resting
- 10 Elephants at Hamilton north feeding
- 8 Wild Dogs at Kahle Stelle weg resting
- 2 female Leopards at Nkanyi dam in a tree
- 3 White Rhino at Nonwane/Barnard cutline junction Olifants grazing
- 6 Spotted Hyaena at Pondoro main/Xipalatsi junction resting
Saturday 27 May 2023
- 20 Elephants at Impala weg 4 feeding
- 1 female Leopard at Pump road heading south
- 5 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) at Coert’s waterhole resting
- 20 Elephants at Robbies road feeding
- 5 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) at Xindzele resting
- 7 White Rhino east of Nonwane airstrip grazing
- 6 Spotted Hyaena and 2 cubs at Xipalatsi/Pondoro main junction resting
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 27 May ’23.