Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 23-29 April ’17
Sunday 23 April 2017
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion and 2 lionesses resting at Coert bush camp
- 1 Elephant buul at dlamiti road feeding
- 2 Elephants swimming at dead end dam
- 15 Elephants at river lodge main feeding
- 7 Lions east of nyarhi dam resting
- 7 Wild dogs at weir dam resting
Monday 24 April 2017
- 9 Wild dogs at top road moving south
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion and 2 lionesses resting at mohlabetsi/impalabos cutline
- Black rhino bull
- 3 White rhino
- Buffalo bull at xingwana grazing
- Bull elephant at ngala dam drinking
- 2 Elephants at 8/9 cutline feeding
- 4 White rhino
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) at xindzele heading north
Tuesday 25 April 2017
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions at xindzele moving east
- Elephant bull at marambu road
- Elephant bull at dlamiti road feeding
- 12 Elephants at east/west cutline feeding
- 1 Male cheetah at manzi bovu moving east
- 1 Male lion at olifants main moving east
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Buffalo bulls at makubele road grazing
- 1 Male elephant east of shangana moving north
- 4 Hyena at mountain view heading east
Wednesday 26 April 2017
- 10 Elephants at wambo road feeding
- 2 Lionesses and 1 Mohlabetsi male lion at mbonga road heading north
- 1 Male elephant at jiga-jiga static feeding
- 9 Wild dogs north of bush camp playing
- 2 Male elephants at pondoro main feeding
- 5 Mohlabetsi male lions moving east from warrens road
- 10 Elephants static at nhongo dam
- 1 Bull elephant at ngala dam
- 1 Bull elephant at nongonoko feeding
- 1 Bull elephant at at ndlovu clearing feeding
Thursday 27 April 2017
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion and 2 lionesses resting west of braai road
- 30+ Elephants drinking at van wyk
- 30+ Elephants moving west along xingwana
- 10 Elephants feeding at nongonoko
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions heading west from mfundla road
- 3 White rhino
- 1 Female leopard on olifants main heading east
Friday 28 April 2017
- 10 Elephants feeding at 4/5 cutline
- 2 White rhino
- 3 White rhino
- 20 Elephants heading north from zebra weg
Saturday 29 April 2017
- 1 Mohlabetsi male lion and 2 lionesses resting north of kambaku road
- 10 Elephants heading west of kambaku
- 2 Black rhino
- 15 Elephants at makoti road
- 2 White rhino
- 2 Elephant bulls at Coert bush camp
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 29 April 2017.