Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 25 to 31 August ’19
Sunday 25 August 2019
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) static near Bush lodge Main
- 8 White Rhino static feeding just North of Hamilton North
- 50+ Buffalo moving South from Olifants Main Road
- 2 Hyena moving North along Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard (Vhakachovela) heading East from Rhulans Road
- 2 Lionesses heading East from Pondoro Main with 1 Hyena following them
- 8 White Rhino, 20+ Elephants and 50+ Buffalo around Van Wyk
Monday 26 August 2019
- 2 Lionesses (Impalabos Pride) heading South from Mamba Road
- 15 Lions (Kujela Pride) static near Roses
- 2 Black Rhino static near Marula Road
- 20+ Elephants static East of Delivery Road
- 7 Elephants feeding on Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard (Vhakachovela) with her two cubs static sleeping near Mahlolwa Loop
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) feeding on an Impala near Top Road
- 1 Female Leopard (unknown, skittish) heading East from Pondoro Main
Tuesday 27 August 2019
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) static sleeping on the wall of Venture Camp Dam
- 10+ Elephants feeding around 4/5 Cutline
- 1 Male Lion sleepng Wedding Tree
- 2 Male Lions mating with 1 Lioness near Upper River Road
- 5 Elephant bulls feeding near Singwe Main
Wednesday 28 August 2019
- 1 Male Lion sleeping on Upper River Road
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Pondoro Main
- 1 Male Elephant feeding on Singwe Plains
Thursday 29 August 2019
- 12 Wild Dog pups laying on Big Bend
- 1 Elephant Bull on Big Bend
- 50+ Buffalo grazing on York
- 1 Female Leopard heading West from Jakkalsweg
- 12 Elephants heading North from Robbie’s Road
- 20+ Elephants heading West from Dan Rock Main
Friday 30 August 2019
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding nead 3/4 Cutline
- 3 Lion Cubs sleeping just West of Kloof Dam
- 1 Elephant Bull on Pondoro Main close to Bateleur Camp
- 2 Elephants feeding on Marula Extension
- 1 Female Leopard mating with 1 Male Leopard near Impala Dam
- 2 White Rhino bulls feeding on EW Cutline
- 40+ Elephants feeding near Makoti Cutline
- 2 Spotted Hyena static on Riverine East
- 2 White Rhino moving East from Luiperdenweg
Saturday 31 August 2019
- 2 Lionesses heading South from Robbie’s Dam
- 2 Black Rhino feeding near Marula Road
- 4 Buffalo static on Makoti Cutline
- 30+ Elephants feeding near the Sodic site on Kahlestelleweg
- 2 Young Male Lions with 2 Lionesses and a single cub sleeping near Rhulani’s Road
- 1 Young Male Leopard static North of Impalabos House
- 1 Female Leopard heading North from Van Wyk
- 40+ Elephants slowly heading West from Hamilton South
This is a short summary of the highlights during our game drives for the last week of August 2019.