Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 25 June – 01 July ’17
Sunday 25 June 2017
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 5 Mohlabetsi males resting at impala dam
- 3 White rhino
- 1 Bull elephant at nkombe north
- 200 Buffaloes at olifants main
Monday 26 June 2017
- 20 Elephants at andries se pad feeding
- 1 Leopardess at olifants main
- 5 Mohlabetsi males and 2 Kudyela lionesses on a giraffe kill
- 5 White rhino
- 1 Lioness and 4 cubs resting at ngala dam
- 2 Bull elephants at waterkant
Tuesday 27 June 2017
- 5 Mohlabetsi males at the giraffe kill
- 2 Hyena at the giraffe kill
- 4 Hyena cubs at winstons den site
- 2 Bull elephants at graigs road
- 7 Lions at impala dam resting
- 20 Elephants at huppel weg feeding
Wednesday 28 June 2017
- 1 White rhino cow and her calf
- 6 White rhino all together
- 200 Buffaloes grazing at vierde weg
- 20 Elephants at ntomana feeding
- 1 Leopardess at impala weg 5
- 30 Elephants at impala weg 5 feeding
- 1 Leopardess west of mohlabetsi lodge
Thursday 29 June 2017
- 10 Elephants at nonwane/york cutline feeding
- 7 Lions at ralphs road resting
- 1 White rhino bull
- 10 Elephants at mophu meander
- 200 Buffaloes at justins road
- 2 Adult hyenas and 3 cubs at the den site
Friday 30 June 2017
- 1 Bull black rhino
- 1 Mohlabetsi male at breite weg
- 3 White rhino
- 2 Bull elephants at van wyk
- 1 Bull white rhino
Saturday 01 July 2017
- 2 Lionesses resting at nsuna road with 2 Mohlabetsi males
- 2 White rhinos
- 8 Lions resting at hammerkop dam
- 20 Elephants at balule plain feeding
- 1 Black rhino cow with her calf
- 6 Elephants at giraffe road feeding
- 5 Buffalo bulls at makoti road
- 1 Bull elephant feeding
This was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 01 July 2017.