Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 27 May – 2 June ’18
Sunday 27 May 2018
- 2 Machaton males with 2 Kudyela lionesses and 5 cubs south of xigamba dam
- 1 Bull elephant south of maroela dam
- 1 Female leopard east of waterkant hunting impala
- 15 Hyenas playing at 4/5 cutline
Monday 28 May 2018
- 1 Bull elephant feeding at coert bush camp
- 2 Machaton males with 2 Kudyela lionesses getting chased by 50+ elephants at giraffe road
- 20 Elephants feeding at xibejane dam
Tuesday 29 May 2018
- 6 Kudyela lionesses and 3 cubs and 3 Machaton males at xikulu dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Female leopard at billy’s lodge
- 20 Elephants feeding at huppel weg
Wednesday 30 May 2018
- 4 Kudyela lionesses and 3 Machaton males at xikulu dam
- 1 White rhino
- 1 Bull elephant feeding at nyoka dam
Thursday 31 May 2018
- 1 Kudyela lioness and a Machaton male at xipena road
- 1 White rhino bull
- 50 Elephants feeding at gama road
- 2 White rhino bulls
Friday 01 June 2018
- 1 Male leopard rhulans road with a female
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 1 Bull elephant at mamba road
- 1 Machaton male with a kudyela lioness mating at olifants road
Saturday 02 June 2018
- 2 Machaton males at xintiwana road
- 1 Bull elephant at coert bush camp
- 10 Hyenas at 4/5 cutline
- 2 Bull elephants feeding at pondoro main
- 1 White rhino bull
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 02 June 2018.