Big 5 safari sightings for the week 29 January until 4 February 2017
Sunday 29 January 2017
- 4 Male lions at Xipalatsi rd
- 1 Elephant bull at River lodge main
- A herd of 20 elephants at Monika’s
- 1 Elephant bull at Hamilton’s north
- A herd of 40 elephants swimming at Xikulu dam
- 8 Lions of Kudyela’s pride and 1 Singwe male at Duke’s pan
- 15 Hyenas at Winston’s rd
- 2 Elephants bulls, 1 cow and 1 calf at Marula rd
Monday 30 January 2017
- 2 White rhinos
- 1 Elephant bull at Olifants main rd
Tuesday 31 January 2017
- 8 Lions of Kudyela’s pride at Duke’s pan
- 1 Male lion at Duke’s clearing (Mohlabetsi male)
- 4 Male lions feeding on a buffalo kill east of Broken dam
- 1 White rhino bull, 1 cow and a calf
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) at Hearne/Impalabos cutline hunting warthogs
- A herd of 40 elephants at Khoza loop
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 1 Elephant bull at Mastongo rd
Wednesday 1 February 2017
- A herd of 10 elephants at swimming at Xikulu dam
- A herd of 20 elephants at Venture camp rd
- 4 Buffalo bulls at Ngala dam
- 5 Mohlabetsi male lions at Deadend dam
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) at 5 Elephant dam
- A herd of 30 elephants swimming at Xikulu dam
- A white rhino bull, cow and calf
- 8 Hyenas at Winston’s rd
- 4 Buffaloes Nongo Noko rd
Thursday 2 February 2017
- 9 Lions at Balule Plains
- A black rhino cow and calf
- 1 Elephant bull at Andries’s rd
- 1 Elephant bull at Hamilton’s north
- 1 Buffalo bull at Lannea rd
- A black rhino cow and calf
- 4 Male lions at Deadend dam
- A herd of 12 elephants drinking at Toni’s dam
- A herd of 20 elephants at Dhulamithi rd
Friday 3 February 2017
- 1 Male cheetah at Duke’s pan
- A herd of 20 elephants at Coert’s New rd
- 4 Male lions at Deadend dam
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 1 Elephant bull at close to Deadend dam
- 4 Hyenas at at Winston’s rd
- 1 Elephant bull at Ngala dam
Saturday 4 February 2017
- 4 Mohlabetsi male lions south of Venture camp dam
- A herd of 20 elephants east of Monika’s
- 4 Buffalo bulls at River lodge main
- 1 Black rhino cow and calf
- 2 Elephant bulls at Hamerkop dam
- 2 Buffalo bulls at Mohlabetsi Bush camp waterhole
This was the Big 5 safari sightings and other interesting safari sightings for the week ending 4 February 2017.