Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 30 July – 5 August ’23
Sunday 30 July 2023
- 20 Elephants at Pondoro main south of Nyarhi dam feeding
- 25 Elephants at Tora dam feeding
- 2 White Rhinos
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) and 1 Lioness (Kudyela) mating at Naledi bushcamp
Monday 31 July 2023
- 4 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 6 cubs at Imagine Africa resting
- 2 White Rhino bulls
- 40 Elephants at Imagine/Barnard cutline feeding
- 2 Spotted Hyaena at Pondoro Hyaena den
Tuesday 1 August 2023
- 1 Spotted Hyaena at Pondoro Hyaena den
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) east of Deans dam
- 2 White Rhino
- 1 Leopardess north of Barnard airstrip
- 5 White Rhino
- 1 Leopardess at Mahlolwa hunting impala
- 4 Lionesses and 4 cubs (Kudyela breakaways) feeding on a kudu at Mhisi loop
- 1 Elephant bull (Ezulwini) at Mohlabetsi/Greenfire cutline heading east
- 30 Buffalo at 5 elephant dam road grazing
- 1 Spotted Hyaena and 2 young cubs at Pondoro Hyaena den
Wednesday 2 August 2023
- 1 Leopardess at Cubs drive
- 6 Lion cubs at York/Barnard cutline resting
- 1 White Rhino bull
- 20 Elephants west of Ngwenya dam feeding
- 3 White Rhino’s
- 2 Elephant bulls at Pondoro main/Olifants junction feeding
- 1 Elephant bull at Coerts new road
Thursday 3 August 2023
- 2 White Rhino’s
- 1 Black Rhino
- 20 Elephants at Ngala dam
- 50 Buffalo at 5 Elephant road
- 6 Lion cubs at Ntaba road
- 5 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) at Xipene road
- 6 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) at Rhino walk resting
- 20 Elephants at Rhino rock feeding
Friday 4 August 2023
- 2 male Lions (Masungulo males) and 6 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) at York/Barnard cutline resting
- 10 Elephants at Tonis dam
- 2 White Rhinos
- 1 Leopardess at Pondoro main south of Marula road
- 4 Lionesses (Kudyela breakaways) and 5 cubs at Manzibomvu
- 100 Buffalo at Ngulube road grazing
- 30 Elephants at Waterkant feeding
- 20 Elephants at Top road feeding
- 5 White Rhinos
Saturday 5 August 2023
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo male) at Koos’s pan
- 4 Wild dogs at Venture camp/dead end damjunction
- 20 Elephants at Top road feeding
- 2 White Rhino
- 10 Elephants at Mamba road feeding
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 5 August ’23.