Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 04-10 March ’18
Sunday 04 March 2018
- 2 Hyenas at malembe road
- 6 Elephants feeding at mhisi road
- 3 Bull elephants feeding at kambaku
- 2 Bull elephants feeding at mamba road
- 1 Machaton male with 4 Kudyela lionesses at big bend
- 1 Female leopard at khale-stalle weg
Monday 05 March 2018
- 1 Adult hyena with 1 cub at the den site
- 30 Elephants playing in nyari dam
- 15 Elephants heading north on makhoti road
- 2 Machaton males north of stevens road
- 6 Kudyela lionesses at shepards road
- 4 White rhino
Tuesday 06 March 2018
- 6 Kudyela lionesses at xindzele east of shortcut
- 1 Machaton male south of xigalana dam
- 10 Elephants feeding at mhisi road
- 3 White rhino
- 1 Adult hyena with 3 cubs at the den site
Wednesday 07 March 2018
- 2 Machaton males with 6 Kudyela lionesses on a zebra kill
- 20 Elephants at xindzele interacting with the lions
- 2 Hyenas east of xindzele
Thursday 08 March 2018
- 20 Elephants feeding at mangwa road
- 1 Machaton male resting at shortcut
Friday 09 March 2018
- 2 Machaton males at the zebra kill
- 2 Kudyela lionesses with 3 cubs at the zebra kill
- 2 River pride lionesses at pondoro main
- 1 Male leopard at pondoro main
- 3 Elephants feeding at grune boom
- 1 Buffalo bull at nyala pan heading south
Saturday 10 March 2018
- 2 Female leopard sharing an impala kill at rooibos
- 1 Bull elephants feeding at hongoni
- 30 Elephants feeding at rhulans road
- 4 White rhino
- 1 Hyena with 2 cubs at the den site
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 10 March 2018.