Big 5 sightings for the week of 4-10 Sep ’22

Sunday 4 September 2022

100+ Buffaloes grazing at huppel weg
5 Kudyela lionesses with 9 cubs and 2 Masungulo males resting at tamboti dam
20+ Elephants feeding at pondoro main
1 Black rhino
20+ Elephnats drinking at ngala dam
Monday 5 September 2022

4 Kudyela lionesses with 9 cubs resting at main road east
100+ Buffaloes grazing at shagaan road
30+ Elephants drinking at van-wyk
6 Wild dogs with 12 pups at the den
1 White rhino bull
20+ Elephants feeding west of kudu dam
100+ Buffaloes drinking at ngala dam

Tuesday 6 September 2022

4 Kudyela lionesses with 9 cubs heading east from rhino rock
100+ Buffaloes grazing around coert bush camp
30+ Elephants feeding at pondoro main
3 White rhino
1 White rhino bull
Wednesday 7 September 2022

1 Lioness resting west of xikulu dam
1 Leopardess feasting on an impala west of 4/5 cutline
2 Spotted hyenas heading south from the olifants river
40+ Elephants drinking at xikulu dam
3 White rhino
1 Masungulo male mating with a single lioness at munti road

Thursday 8 September 2022

6 Lionesses and 1 young male feeding on an impala at river lodge main with 8 hyenas around them
3 White rhino
1 White rhino bull
100+ Buffaloes drinking at Toni’s dam
2 Black rhino (mother & calf)

Friday 9 September 2022

2 Black rhino (mother & calf)
1 White rhino bull
4 Kudyela lionesses with 9 cubs drinking at xikulu dam
1 White rhino bull
100+ Buffaloes grazing south of nyari dam
40+ Elephants feeding at main road west
1 Black rhino bull
20+ Elephants drinking at ngala dam
1 Male leopard south of boetabessie dam heading south
Saturday 10 September 2022

100+ Buffaloes grazing at impalabos cutline
5 Spotted hyenas heading north on pondoro main
6 Wild dogs and 3 pups at mangwa road
25+ Elephants feeding at huppel weg
50+ Buffaloes grazing west of Coert bush camp
1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) resting south of olifants road
10+ Elephants feeding at koppie road
20+ Elephants feeding at pondoro main
100+ Buffaloes grazing at the hearne cutline
1 Spotted hyena heading north from gama road
1 White rhino bull

These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 10 September.