Sunday 15 July 2012
- 4 White rhino bulls grazing
- 1 Young male leopard ( Juma )
- 8 Elephant bulls crossing and playing in the Olifants river in front of the lodge
Monday 16 July 2012
- A young male leopard ( Juma )
- 2 Black rhino cows
Tuesday 17 July 2012
- 2 Black rhino cows browsing
- 3 White rhino bulls grazing
- 1 Young female leopard ( Rulani’s sister )
Wednesday 18 July 2012
- 3 Male lions drinking water at Coert’s dam
- 3 Male lions lying close to jiga-jiga rd
- 2 Black rhino cows browsing next to the vehicle
- 3 White rhino bulls
Thursday 19 July 2012
- 3 Lionesses hunting impalas close to Ngulube south
- 3 White rhino bulls
Friday 20 July 2012
- 4 Male lions hunting giraffe close to Nyari dam
- 2 Black rhino cows
- 3 White rhino bulls dust bathing and drinking at a dam
Saturday 21 July 2012
- 1 Male leopard at leoparden weg ( Unknown )