Sunday – 20 May 2012
- +/- 200 Buffaloes on Huppel weg
- 2 Young male lions of Olifants west pride stalking the buffaloes
Monday – 21 May 2012
- A young female leopard ( the sister of Rulani ) was seen close to River lodge road
- A big herd buffaloes feeding at Tranken weg.
Tuesday – 22 May 2012
- 4 White rhinos
- A very rare sighting of a female serval
- The young male leopard Rulani was seen on Marula road
Wednesday – 23 May 2012
- One female black rhino
- 3 Male elephants were seen feeding at Billy’s lodge
- The big territorial male leopard, Watsakile, was seen walking and marking his territory along Top road
- 4 Male lions were seen feeding on a adult giraffe kill
Thursday – 24 May 2012
- 2 Male lions lying next to the giraffe kill on River lodge road
- 1 Male black rhino
Friday – 25 May 2012
- 1 Female black rhino
- 3 Male white rhinos
- 3 Male elephants drinking at Tony’s dam
- A big herd of about 200 buffaloes grazing at Pride rock
- 2 Male lions feeding at the giraffe kill
Saturday – 26 May 2012
- 6 Lionesses and 2 cubs of the Olifants west pride were seen feeding on a zebra carcass on the Olifants road close to the Pondoro entrance sign
- 3 Male elephants were seen feeding on Monte rd
- A big herd of around 200 buffaloes were drinking at Kambaku dam