Sunday 22 July 2012
- 1 Male lion close to Mangwa road
- 1 Black rhino cow
- 4 Elephant bulls feeding close to Bateleur camp
- A young male leopard ( Juma ) killing a big warthog boar next to Coert’s new road
Monday 23 July 2012
- Saw the leopard next to his warthog kill at Coert’s new rd
- 1 Black rhino cow lying and resting
Tuesday 24 July 2012
- 4 Elephant bulls feeding next to Manana rd
- 1 Black rhino cow browsing
- 1 Black rhino cow browsing
- 1 Black rhino cow walking and marking
Wednesday 25 July 2012
- 1 Male leopard ( Juma ) hunting impala close to Rul’s rd
- 4 White rhino bulls grazing next to Scops owl rd
- A herd of about 200 buffaloes grazing on Oxford area
Thursday 26 July 2012
- 5 Lionesses feeding on an impala kill
- 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) drinking at Nyari dam
- 1 Black rhino cow drinking
Friday 27 July 2012
- 5 Elephant bulls close to Barnard airstrip
- 5 Lionesses and 1 male sleeping close to Coert’s bush camp
- 1 Black rhino drinking water at a dam
- 1 Lioness and 2 cubs feeding on a zebra foal close to Kwarri rd
Saturday 28 July 2012
- A herd of about 80 buffaloes grazing close to Olifants rd
- 1 White rhino sleeping close to Tranken rd