“However long the night, the dawn will break.” – African Proverb

The leopards definitely made it very challenging for us this week, we spent the better half of the week following only their footprints and signs left behind but to no avail. Luckily after circling back on our own tracks so many times we finally spotted a few of the elusive rosette-patterned cats moving in the lush green bush.

Nkanyi was found deep in a drainage line feeding on an antelope carcass. She later went to rest on a fallen tree as a reward for our efforts and we took advantage of the amazing photographic moment.


week in pictures


Chavaluthu managed to find Nkanyi, he later helped himself with her meal and finished off what was left of the carcass. He slept in some very thick bush for the day and just after sunset moved out to the nearest water source. After the amount of rain we had a week ago he has to do the rounds and mark his territory.


week in pictures


An unknown male leopard was seen at the end of the week, he was not to relaxed with any vehicles close by so we enjoyed a distant sight of a sleeping leopard.


week in pictures


Currently there are many bull elephants around and majority of them seem to be in musth following the breeding herds around. There are so many mud pools that they don’t have to move far to take a mud-bath or find a large body of water either for drinking or to cool off.


week in pictures


week in pictures


week in pictures


The Kudyela pride have been feasting on their giraffe kill for the entire week and after being in the sun for that long has built up a bad smell.


week in pictures


A large white rhino bull was following a female around for most part of the week, while we also enjoyed to see a mother and calf black rhino.


week in pictures


week in pictures