It was yet another very productive week out in the bush all while we had 30+ mm’s of rain.

Although elephants absolutely love mud it was a buffalo bull that enjoyed it the most. We left 2 of the Machaton males lying down one afternoon and decided to drive by a dam on our way to the south, as came around the dam wall we saw a lone buffalo bull playing in the mud like he has never seen mud before.


week in pictures


A third lioness of the Kudyela pride was seen with 2 cubs of her own bringing the total of cubs in the pride up to six (4 males and 2 females). The Kudyela pride is still split up due to some of the females responsibilities and will most likely be so for another few weeks.


week in pictures


week in pictures


week in pictures


The Machaton males spent most of the week in the west with a few of the Kudyela lionesses by their side. It has also been very interesting to watch the interaction between the males and some of the cubs, they found a liking in one of the males as we have not seen him growling at them once but rather being very playful with them.

week in pictures


week in pictures


There were many young bull elephants in the reserve during the week with some of them entering musth, luckily they haven’t been cheeky with us at all. The breeding herds are plentiful with many small calves present, some of the females weren’t always very welcoming to the vehicle and made us keep a safe distance between them and the rest of the herd.


week in pictures


week in pictures


The sightings of Nkanyi and Thuli are getting better and better by the day. They have been in the same area for at least a week now and sighted almost every drive. The area that they are favoring now has many Marula trees around and you are sure to find either of the two up in one.


week in pictures


week in pictures


week in pictures


Through all the excitement with the predators and time spent with the large herbivores we do take time to look at all the other species that call Africa home.


week in pictures


week in pictures