Sunday 25 January 2015
- 6 Lions at Luiperd’s vlei
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Impalabos west/Hearne cutline
Monday 26 January 2015
- No Safari drive
Tuesday 27 January 2015
- 3 African wild dogs at Nyari dam
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at Ngala dam
- A male lion and 1 lioness at Metsi Metsi
Wednesday 28 January 2015
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Koppie rd
- 3 Lionesses and 10 cubs at Nyari dam
- 2 White rhinos
- A male cheetah at Tshukudu cutline
Thursday 29 January 2015
- A male lion at Billy’s lodge
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at East/west cutline
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Pondoro main rd
- A male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) at Waterkant rd
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at Main rd west
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Toni’s dam
- 6 Lions at Drei tranken weg
Friday 30 January 2015
- 2 White rhino bulls
- A herd of 600 buffaloes at Marambu rd
- 6 Lions, 1 Adult lioness 3 subadult females and 2 subadult males at Xinzele rd
Saturday 31 January 2015
- A herd of 300 buffaloes at Coert’s new rd
- 6 Lions at Deadend dam
- 2 Male elephants close to Manzi Bomvu dam