Sunday 16 November 2014
- 1 Lioness and 5 subadults at Caterpillar rd
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at Koppie rd
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants at River lodge main
- 1 Male cheetah at Southern boundary
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at River lodge main
- 2 White rhino bulls drinking
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at River lodge
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Pondoro main rd
Monday 17 November 2014
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at Makoti rd
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at 8/9 cutline
- A herd of 200 buffaloes at River lodge main
- A breeding herd of 20 elephants at Pondoro main rd
- 1 Male cheetah at Southern boundary
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Main rd west
Tuesday 18 November 2014
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Pondoro main rd
- 16 Buffaloes at Big Boy rd
- 1 Male lion at Nsuna rd
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 White rhino cows
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Pondoro main rd
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants at Koppie rd
- 3 Buffalo bulls at Ngala dam
- 1 female leopard at Mangwa rd
Wednesday 19 November 2014
- A Black rhino bull and cow
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Koppie rd
- 1 Male cheetah at Duke’s pan
- 4 Hyenas at Gavin’s rd
- A breeding herd of 15 elephants at Nsuna rd
- 1 White rhino bull
- 6 Lionesses and 7 cubs at Misi loop
- 3 Lionesses at Deadend dam
Thursday 20 November 2014
- 1 Male cheetah at Southern boundary
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 3 Elephant bulls at Manzi Bomvu dam
- 1 Elephant bull at Pondoro main rd
- 3 Lionesses and 10 cubs at River Lodge main
- A breeding herd of 10 elephants at River lodge main
Friday 21 November 2014
- 2 White rhino bulls
- 3 Lionesses and 10 cubs at Mbonga rd
- A pride of 16 lions ( Mohlabetsi pride ) at Boerbean rd
- 4 Hyenas at Van Wyk dam
Saturday 22 November 2014
- 2 Elephant bulls at Marula rd
- 3 Buffalo bulls at Pondoro main rd
- 1 Lioness and 5 subadults at River Lodge main
- 1 White rhino bull
- A breeding herd of 30 elephants at River lodge main
- 1 Lioness at Misi loop
- 6 Lions at Machimba rd
- A herd of 300 buffaloes at Ngala dam
- A herd of 20 elephants at Ngala dam
- 4 Hyenas at Van Wyk dam
- 2 White rhino bulls