6 – 8 November – We followed the Olifants west pride during the afternoon safari and were just behind them when they killed a newborn baby giraffe. When I arrived at the scene there were only 4 lions feeding on the carcass and as I started wondering why the other lions did not join in the feast when we heard other lions feeding on something further on deeper into the bush. I drove in the direction of the noise and found the rest of the pride feeding on the mother giraffe.
8 November – During the afternoon drive a huge male leopard ( Watsakile madoda ) was seen close to Hamerkop road. He then came across a young male leopard and immediately chased him high up into a knobthorn tree. After a few minutes the bigger leopard got tired of the game and moved off.
16 November – Breeding herd of elephants with a one day old baby.
27 November – Singwe pride feeding on a adult giraffe on river lodge main road.