Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 03-09 Feb ‘19
Sunday 03 Feb 2019
- 40+ Elephants feeding around venture camp dam
- 3 White rhino bulls
- 6 Kudyela lionesses with 12 cubs and 2 Machaton males resting at top road
- 1 Leopardess eating a scrub hare at mondzo road
Monday 04 Feb 2019
- 3 Hyena cubs at the den site
- 1 Bull elephant at east/west cutline
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Machaton male resting at boetabessie loop
- 1 Leopardess up in a marula tree at main road east
- 3 White rhino bulls
Tuesday 05 Feb 2019
- 4 Elephants feeding at pride rock
- 40+ Elephants feeding at transport road
- 6 White rhino
- 1 Male leopard heading south from 5 elephant dam
Wednesday 06 Feb 2019
- 6 Kudyela lionesses with 12 cubs and 2 Machaton male at mathlopi road
- 1 Black rhino
- 1 Bull elephant at olifants main
- 2 White rhino
- 1 Leopardess at boetabessie lopp
- 1 Bull elephant at andries se pad
Thursday 07 Feb 2019
- 4 Hyena cubs at the den site
- 50+ Elephants feeding at andries se pad
- 1 Male leopard stalking impala at breite weg
Friday 08 Feb 2019
- 3 Machaton males with 5 kudyela lionesses and 12 cubs at van wyk
- 2 White rhino
- 1 White rhino bull
Saturday 09 Feb 2019
- 30+ Elephants feeding at dead end dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 1 Leopardess resting in a marula tree at main road east
- 1 Bull elephant at dead end dam
- 4 Hyena cubs at the den site
That was the big 5 safari sightings and other interesting sightings seen on safari for the week ending 09 Feb 2019.