Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 12 to 18 January 2020
Sunday 12 January 2020
- 1 Female Leopard heading West from Xikulu Dam
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Rhino Rock
- 3 adult Wild Dogs with 4 pups sleeping near Mhisi Road
- 1 Female Black Rhino with her calf heading South from Xibejane Dam
Monday 13 January 2020
- 1 Elephant bull feeding near Greenfire Cutline
- 1 Elephant bull feeding east of Broken Dam
- 1 Lioness with 2 cubs heading East from Xiyangwani Dam
- 1 Spotted Hyena with 2 small pups sleeping near their den on Rockfig Loop
Tuesday 14 January 2020
- 1 Lioness with 4 cubs sleeping West of Mangwa Road
- 10 Wild Dogs feeding on an Impala near Transport Road Mud Wallow
- 1 Elephant Bull on Makoti Cutline
- 1 Male Leopard sleeping near Pondoro Main
- 3 Male Lions (Machaton Males) with 2 Lionesses and 7 cubs sleeping near Pondoro Main
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding near Xigamba Dam
- 3 Elephant Bulls heading West from Weg Vir Alles
Wednesday 15 January 2020
- 1 Male Elephant feeding near Tranken Weg
- 3 Male Elephants feeding near E/W Cutline
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding near Top Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading East from Pondoro Main
- 3 Black Rhino feeding near Venture Camp
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Groeneboom
- 1 Female Leopard heading West from Huppel Weg
- 1 Male White RHino drinking from Tony’s Dam
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading West from Leeuspruit
Thursday 16 January 2020
- 1 Male Lion with 3 Lionesses and 11 cubs sleeping near 3/4 Cutline on Singwe
- 1 Male White Rhino drinking from Koert Bush Lodge Waterhole
- 2 Lionesses sleeping near Koert Bush Camp
- 2 Spotted Hyena with 4 pups sleepong near their den site on Rockfig Loop
Friday 17 Januay 2020
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) sleeping near Greenfire Cutline
- 2 Young Male Lions with 2 young lionesses sleeping near Ngala Dam
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Rockfig Loop
- 2 Spotted Hyena pups at their den site on Rockfig Loop
Saturday 18 January 2020
- 4 Lionesses with 10 cubs sleeping on Campfire Cutline
- 5 Elephants feeding near Riverlodge Main
- 1 Male Leopard sleeping near Van Wyk Tranke
- 2 Male White Rhino feeding South of Van Wyk Tranke
- 1 Male Leopard Leopard (Chavaluthu) with another unknown male leopard near Venture Camp Road
- 3 Male Lions with 6 Cubs South of Rome 4 Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino South of Rockfig Loop
- 1 Spotted Hyena with 1 pup at their den site on Rockfig Loop
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping near Groeneboom
This is a short list of all of the highlights that we have had during the week.