Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 5 to 11 January 2020
Sunday 5 January 2020
- 22 Lions (Kudyela pride) sleeping on Nonwane Access
- 8 Wild Dogs fighting with 2 Spotted Hyena near Ngwenya Dam
- 2 Male Lions feeding on a Giraffe on 5 Elephant Dam Road
- 1 White Rhino drinking from Ngwenya Dam
- 1 Young Male Leopard heading West from Koert Bush Camp
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) sleeping near Waterkant
- 1 Elephant drinking from Tony’s Dam with 1 Male White Rhino nearby
Monday 6 January 2020
- 2 Male Lions feeding on Giraffe kill near 5 Elephant Dam Road
- 100+ Buffalo drinking and feeding near Van Wyk Tranke
- 4 White Rhino sleeping near Rhulani’s Road
- 1 Elephant feeding near Huppel Weg
- 1 Adult Spotted Hyena with 2 young pups at their den on Rockfig Loop
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Bush Lodge Main
- 5 White Rhino heading South along Andries Link
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Impalabos East/Mohlabetsi Cutline
Tuesday 7 January 2020
- 22 Lions (Kudyela Pride) sleeping near Elephant Dam
- 5 ELephants feeding near Mhisi Road
- 5 White Rhino drinking from Dead End Dam
- 10+ Elephants feeding near Impalabos East/Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 2 Male Lions feeding on Giraffe near 5 Elephant Dam Road
- 2 Male Lions (Machaton Males) sleeping South of Rome 4 Water Hole
- 1 Unknown Leopard Heading North from Olifants Main
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Campfire Cutline
Wednesday 8 January 2020
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Waterkant
- 1 young Female Leopard (Daughter of Faka Nchovela) sleeping up in a tree near 5 Elephant Dam
- 2 Spotted Hyena with 100+ Vultures feeding on remains of the Giraffe Carcass near 5 Elephant Dam Road
- 20+ Elephants drinking from Xikulu Dam
- 5 Male Buffalo feeding near Mohlabetsi/Hearnes Cutline
- 1 Male Lion (Machaton Male) feeding on a waterbuck near Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) feeding on a Scrub Hare near Jakkals Weg
Thursday 9 January 2020
- 22 Lions sleeping North of Billy’s Lodge
- 6 White Rhino wallowing in Dead End Dam
- 60+ Buffalo feeding near Xikulu Dam
- 30+ Buffalo drinking near Cement Pipe Road
- 1 Young Female Leopard (Daughter of Faka Nchovela) heading North from Kambaku Road
- 50+ ELephants feeding around Nkanka East
- 1 Lioness with 2 small cubs sleeping near Famba Bejan Dam
Friday 10 January 2020
- No morning drive due to 80+ mm of rain
- 5 Lions (Kudyela Pride) Kambaku Road
Saturday 11 January 2020
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka Nchovela) with both her cubs heading West from Dagga Boy Dam
- 1 Male Lion with 4 lionesses and 3 cubs sleeping near Kambaku Dam
- 1 Young Leopard sleeping near Dagga Boy Dam
This is a summary of the highlights that we have had during our big 5 safaris from Pondoro Game Lodge